Tag: software

Reading Time: 3 minutes Sudden Change vs Gradual Change I have seen a few sudden changes of vendor in my career. And this is usually sign of either “not thinking through” or “the bean counters are in charge”. Once at Ascension Health, it seems they only implemented the Okta two factor authentication for a few days or a few

March 1, 2025

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 04-18-2024) Reuters – Exclusive: Bentley Systems explores options amid takeover interest, sources say (Update 02-27-2024) The Q4 2023 results is out. The IR webpage has the conference call. Learned a new buzz word “digital twin” last few days, 1st from the Unity Software (which just had a bad quarter, btw), then confirmed by Bentley

January 22, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes I don’t have a smartphone, but I used to have Palm m100 (original), and Palm Tungsten E. I did not use it for power point, calendar or anything serious, the main functionality I used is its real player. It got 128 M SD card, so I can store about 30 songs on it. Today’s smart

June 27, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes When I was taking my first C++ class at graduate school, the professor has a favorite word “you guys should write a program that works, because if it does not work, you are writing a novel not a program”. Although I did wrote “novels” in one of his program assignments, I remembered his words since

November 6, 2006
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