Reading Time: 2 minutes I did google search “is tesla safe”. According to the EconomicTimes (India): According to the study, Tesla cars have a fatal crash rate of 5.6 per billion miles driven. This is higher than other brands like Kia, which has a fatal crash rate of 5.5, and Buick at 4.8. The national average fatal crash rate
Reading Time: 8 minutes (03-01-2025) I just realized today is Madi Gras. This morning I drove 3 trips. First trip: from Rock Hill (near old Warson road) to Kirkwood. 2nd trip: from Kirkwood to South County. Last trip: I drove back to CC, drove a gentleman across the Olive road, from the Courtyard Hotel to the office building across
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Originally written in Chinese; English version generated via Google translate at the bottom) 美国中西部大农村出来的高管,总的来说还是没认识到这个世界的复杂(公司小气不请保安,自己掏钱也得请保镖啊)。巴菲特一年的保镖/保安费大概是几十万吧。二十多年前微软的巴尔莫来村里,也有保镖。我觉得他是帮股东挨了这几枪。 我在美国工作24+ 年,基本上所有大的医疗保险公司都用过,我个人感觉 UNH 的服务还是相对靠谱的。有很多不靠谱的保险公司-光收钱不办事的很多。 还有我较鄙视网上的美国义和团/键盘侠,砸本国人的日本车,各种医闹:美国的医疗系统,医疗保险问题,主要是政客们搞出来的。共和党的政客们要负主要责任:我敢保证他们是拿保险公司捐款的大头。美国应该可以学习其它西方国家搞全民医保。美国(极端)资本主义,以盈利为唯一目标,过于依赖市场的黑暗我是领教过一些的。我记得几年前亚马逊把得了癌症的员工裁了,纽约时报当时报道过。 附:美国的医疗系统,庞大无比,有她先进之处(新药,新设备,新的治疗方法),但是确实 it has some drawbacks,我最近也是有亲身体会。 其实昨天最早是从小红书上看到这个消息的-希望国人不是因为幸灾乐祸才发的。 油管 12-08-2024 更新:我关于美国医疗体系概况的油管视频。全长15分32秒。 My YT Video on safety etc (财不露富:害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无 – 从村里最近的一个案件想到大家要注意的事). 下面是英文版。 Executives from rural areas in the Midwest of the United States generally do not realize the complexity of
Reading Time: 2 minutes Physical Safety Below is mostly from the School Safety & Security web page See something, say something => Anonymous Tip Line | Report an Incident – Ladue School District Parent Procedures 4E’s Tips for Parents – Ladue School District (also google doc) It looks we have some minor issues on the web page above: mainly
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 09-01-2023) I looked around and it seems another app was not not working (it seems the app is called My Ride 360, I never used it btw). It seems “Here Comes the Bus” is more widely used and thinking maybe worth to explore more with them (Android app, iOS app). (This was written last
Reading Time: 2 minutes Today I had a small scare at the CC lake. I was chatting with friends while keep an eye on Sophia the 5 year old. Serenity the 10 year old went paddle boarding with friend with their moms permission. I found out after the fact, and when I asked the moms (my wife and Serenity
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