Tag: olivette

Reading Time: 2 minutes (01-23-2025) Last Saturday I learned wustl has an area that its school shuttle covers (don’t know where to find it online). And I came across this one about why people (mainly students I assume) usually live. (11-03-2024 更新) 我上载了一个油管视频,是关于这个主题的,欢迎各种意见反馈。 (有人在小红书上问 #圣路易斯 哪里比较 #安全,我猜可能是华大学生,以下是我的回答):综合考虑,建议住 #Clayton, #Brentwood, #Olivette 等。如果有上K-12的小孩,学区来讲,Olivette (Ladue), 和 Clayton 是密苏里公立学校/学区里面第一和第二名。Brentwood ranked 12th in the

October 11, 2024

Reading Time: 3 minutes Gentrification: The process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in, improving housing, and attracting new businesses, typically displacing current inhabitants in the process. Oxford Dictionary via google Gentrification is the process of changing the character of a neighborhood through the influx of more affluent residents and investment.

February 19, 2024

Reading Time: 3 minutes (Update 02-07-2015) Sterling K. Brown talks growing up in St. Louis on Drew Barrymore Show. Quote below: “At that point in time in my life, I didn’t know what my track was scholastically. My mom worked in the public school system in my neighborhood—it was a good school system—but she felt like the young Black

September 15, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update: 10-04-2023) The Olive Crossing apartments at Olive and 170 just opened as the Clover luxury apartment. I have a recent YouTube video on this. (Update: 09-11-2023) Yesterday I noticed the new Hilltop West development: My YouTube video when I walked by yesterday am, the Olivette City Website, and a Zillow link (and developer website,

December 18, 2021
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