Tag: GMail

Reading Time: < 1 minute Since I have done some travel lately, I have oppertunity to see people in the airport or airplane. It seems to me Blackberry is everywhere. I remember Blackberry was popular a few years ago (also from airport impression), now it’s pervasive / everywhere. There are lots of coverage on Blackberry recently such as: 1) Obama

January 30, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute I wrote about GMail a while ago. In that post I complained GMail is not reliable in China. One reason I can think of is that Google has not moved its servers to China. It has no plan to do so in the near future according to CnAnalyst. In this Chinese post Keso says the

March 20, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I started to use web based Yahoo Mail from 1998. It’s not perfect (large amount of spams, sometimes it put legimitate mail to bulk folder), but it works. About 2 years ago I got the GMail account and started using it. GMail has some nice features such as it “groups” same subject emails in one

January 2, 2007
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