Reading Time: < 1 minute (Jan 31) Read this piece from Shui Pi, a reknown Chinese stock columnist. Quote a paragraph here: 统计表明,2007年中国资本市场融资再融资的规模近8000亿,而印花税为2005亿,两者相加近10000亿,相当于流动市值的十分之一。这笔钱是从市场中拿走的,基本上不可再生。如果2008年的主板融资规模维持不变,那么再加预期中的创业板的融资规模和大非解禁的资金数量,增量资金的需求量就是一个天文数字。2008年的股市有那么乐观吗?He is saying, the transaction cost plus the new IPO last year totaled RMB 1 trillion, which is about 10% of the total market float. (Original) After recent brutal selling of Chinese domestic market, it appears some “blue
Reading Time: 3 minutes I was looking for a secular growth stock in China. By secular growth I mean the business grows continously without the normal business cycle. One benifit of secular growth is it usually does not go up or down a lot as economy cycle does. A side benifit of this is we (investors) can sleep better
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