Reading Time: < 1 minute My initial thought China announced a giant $586 billion economy stimulus package a few days ago. My first response was not warm to it: I always think the Chinese goverment should invest in “Education and healthcare”. Infrustructure? Did not China already get really good infrustructures in the coastal areas including Beijing? China’s economy problem is

November 13, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Today I picked up my first Black Berry: not the new fancy 3G Bold, but the good old 8820 from AT&T. My first impression with Blackberry is it’s decent, note I only played with the browser (Yahoo, Google), Goolge Mobile App, and web browse using Wi-Fi. Because I have tried out the Apple iPhone (at

November 12, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute New 401k in Vanguard Two weeks into working for new employer, today I am able to make my 401k selections from Vanguard. Sweet! It only took me a few minutes to make my choices: (30%) S&P 500 index fund (VFINX) (30%) Winsor II (VWNFX) (40%) International value (VTRIX) If there is one thing I learned

November 10, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute The thing I like her talk is not only she properly called the market when HSI was at 31,000; but her attitude on money and happiness. She talked in Cantonese, which is foreign to me, but it has English caption 🙂 Credit goes to trader1688. Don’t go there for trading advice though.

November 8, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Berkshire Hathaway, a.k.a, Warren Buffett’s diversified holding company, reported a not-so-good quarter Friday after market close. Here are the results. (full size pic here) On the surface the result is not good. But I think the loss from derivatives is on the paper and will be temporary. What do we learn from Buffett Discipline, discipline,

November 8, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Was on the road on election night. I left the training class at 4:25 at North Little Rock and headed to the LIT airport. When I listened to NPR at around 5:30 PM, the poll in east coast was about to close. When I got to Atlanta for transfer, it was 8:30 PM EST, so

November 6, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute At Little Rock now. One new thing about my new job is more travel. Because I did not have much travel in my past jobs, I am in the mood for more trips. (source: Little Rock, Akansas is not a big town, but it got famous because of President Clinton was from here, he

November 2, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Happened to see this from CBS evening news today. The story is titled “Credit Crunch Takes New Face”, and it talks about the credit card crunch for average consumer. “The average American has nine credit cards and owes more than $16,000, not including mortgages…This decade, real wages went up 4 percent while credit card debt

October 30, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes We all know GM is in trouble financially. Its stock (NYSE:GM) is around $6, a 50 years low. A lot pundits made fun of GM and its stock on TV or the web space. But I have a different feeling for GM. Among many reasons, I think of two: 1) In graduate school I worked

October 30, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Week in review 10/20 to 10/25 Bill Clinton visits Kirkwood President Bill Clinton visit St. Louis this past Monday (10/20), and we got a peek at the popular former president. I always admired Bill’s speaking skills. He did the job well: he was making the case for Obama. His main talking points are: on key

October 26, 2008
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