Reading Time: 2 minutes I read the Hot Commodities book by Jim Rogers in the trip. I have read the book a few years back when I was much novice to the investing, and I understand Jim is very outspoken and he is very bullish on China. But I did not find his book as exciting as I read
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update) Yesterday Dec 15 is also a historical day in China/Taiwan relationship: the direct flight, shipping and mail all opened, after almost 60 years of disruption. Expect more mainland travellers to Taiwan, and more Taiwan fruits in China. (Original) Have some interesting stuff to say about the trip. But I could not connect to my
Reading Time: 2 minutes Amid all these financial crisis, I will fly to Shanghai tomorrow: not to rescue the economy but I will get first hand glimpse on China economy. Shanghai is the economy center of China, just like New York is the financial center of the US. The mood in the US is not good. The Big 3
Reading Time: < 1 minute Lots of travel lately. After I got back from Chicago last Saturday evening, I was on the road again on Sunday afternoon. Destination: Florida. This Sunday I am going to travel back to Shanghai, and spend some time there. Florida trip is a bit nostalgia one as I got to see a real manufacturing plant,
Reading Time: 3 minutes First I would like to say Chicago is freezing cold. I did not spend much time outside, but I did feel it when I was waiting for the bus and train from Midway to hotel (and back). It’s a short trip, 29 hours exactly (4PM yesteday to 9PM today), and the main purpose was taking
Reading Time: < 1 minute When I was booking the Hyatt hotel at Expedia a while ago, it offered me the Expedia Citi Premier Card. I went ahead and did it, to get the $50 off for the first purchase (the hotel booking). They do offer another card, which gives back up to $100, with an annual fee of $75.
Reading Time: 2 minutes Obviously the big 3 auto makers came back to news with the Congressional hearing today. This big 3 Washington show started before the Thanksgiving with the “corporate jet gate”, in which the reporters and some congressmen questioned the 3 CEOs taking corporate jets to ask for money: it like one begs for money while wearing
Reading Time: < 1 minute Got some RIM stock (Nasdaq: RIMM) yesterday, as I saw some weakness have already priced into its current price. At P/E (ttm) of about 12, and projected single digit growth in 2009 (after serveral years hyper growth), the expectation on the stock is really low these days. At the same time, the newly released Bold
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update) Felt I am like a car-thief today: had to climb from back seat to front seat, because the front doors were frozen due to snow. Don’t know how the by standers felt? (Original) It started to snow here in St. Louis, yesterday morning I saw a little bit snow on the car, this morning
Reading Time: 2 minutes Final push for Dec 6 CFA I Working on Schweser practice exam now. One lesson from last June test is too little practice exam (only one). Lets see if I could complete all 3 practice exams by Dec 5: with careful reviews and reading on weak spots. Unite miles for WSJ I got this idea
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