Reading Time: < 1 minute I ordered this Asics GT-2130 from 6PM early this Monday ($46 including shipping). The regular costs $95. It arrived yesterday and got plenty of cushion. 6PM is doing a sale on many Asics shoes. (click men or women on the left to refine results).

January 3, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Summary of 2008 Aren’t we glad 2008 is finanlly over? I am sure most people (who are not hiding under rocks) are. On a positive note, most of us survived from the crash (so far). But we do learn a lesson or two on economy and market: live within means, don’t over extend yourself, and

January 2, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute I am thinking going to this event again this year. I went there 2 years ago, and was impressed by what Grand Center has to offer. I can not think of other big New Year celebration activies here. The direction to Grand Center is here. Happy New Year !!!

December 31, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Back to software. I installed the VS 2008 couple days ago. Two things worth to note. 1) Install from iso image: initially I burned a DVD from the iso image. During install it could not find couple files, probably because the DVD drive spins too fast. So I used this MagicISO freeware to mount a

December 31, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute S&P 500 index (google Finance), the US bench mark index used by many mutual fund managers, dropped 38.49%. Even the greatest investor guru of our time Warren Buffett could not escape the bear attack, his holding company Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK.B) dropped 32%. (In 2008 S&P 500 index dropped 575.24 points or 38.91%, from 1478.49 to

December 31, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute 1) Pay the Jan mortgage by Dec 31; 2) If you own small business, buy the stuff you need to buy anyway by Dec 31; 3) Sell the losers in your stock portfolio: I mean those true losers that you don’t expect them to come back. Some people sell their losers and buy them back

December 30, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Some random thoughts on Chinese IPOs: Home Inns, New Oriental, Focus Media (Sina). Home Inns I stayed at Home Inns Zhongshan Park this time. This is a relatively new Home Inns hotel (it was operated as Shanghai Ningxia Hotel before joining the Home Inns family recently). One block away, I saw another Home Inns hotel:

December 29, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes I am back. I came back to St. Louis last night, after a bumpy ride from Shanghai to Chicago, and a delayed flight from Chicago to St. Louis, both due to weather. This morning I went to the Panera bread, and I found they lowered the price of souffles by at least 20 cents. Interesting

December 28, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Forget about recession, check out the properity in Shanghai πŸ™‚ For more pictures, visit my Shanghai_2008 albumn at yupoo.

December 19, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Cell phone, or Shou Ji (mobile phone) as being called in China, is a daily necessity in China. Everyone, I mean pretty much everyone from the migrant worker to company CEOs, got a cell phone, because they need to talk to someone. Yesterday, I got into a small incident because I don’t have a cell

December 17, 2008
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