Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update Mar07, 2009) I found a good example on performance comparison of regular ETF vs. leveraged ETF. In the past year, the finanicals ETF XLF lost about 75%, while the ultra financial proshares UYG (2 times bull) lost 95%. You can use google finance to draw the comparison. MorningStar link here.
Reading Time: < 1 minute I remember years ago (in dot com era) there is a book named Dow 36,000. Obviously that predication was a laughing stock becaue Dow crashed in year 2000. No I am not trying to make a fool of myself, my title Dow 5,000 is merely to reflect today the Dow and S&P dropped to 12
Reading Time: < 1 minute What is nationalization This is my understanding. Usually a company has 3 types of capital: debt, preferred stock, common stock. In terms of ownership the equity holders (common stock holders) own the company. We say they borrow from the debt holders: in return they pay interest and principle to the debt holders down the road.
Reading Time: 2 minutes I have been a Borders customer for a long time, most times buying coffees while studying (reading books) there, from time to time I also bought some computer or finance related books, such as Effective C++, My Life as a Quant, etc. One benefit of buying books at Borders (compared to Amazon) is getting the
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update Feb 29 2009) CNBC is putting up some nice words on Buffett today. After all, he lent $3 b to GE (the parent co. of NBC) last fall. (Original) In these turbulant days, investors, ordinary and professional alike, look for directions from investor guru more than ever. Of course among gurus people pay attention,
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update May 2020) I found from this website, it seems the US consumer saving rate went up a bit in last 5 years, from 6%, 8% to most recent 13% . I can understand the last part due to pandemic. In fact our restaurant eat out (to go, take out) shrunk a lot. My wife is
Reading Time: < 1 minute This morning, Ingersoll Rand (NYSE: IR), the diversified industrial company makes procucts to air conditioner (Trane) to Schlage locks, reported its Q4 2008 earning this morning. Some highlights: it wrote down $3.7 billion (pre-tax, $3.4 b after tax) from Trane acqusition, or a loss of $10.56 per share. Interestingly, the stock went up about 15%
Reading Time: 2 minutes Who is better positioned to weather the recession (or depression as some people like FT Martin Wolf said), American Express (NYSE: AXP) or Discover Financial Services (NYSE: DFS)? I got some DFS last week so my opinion maybe biased, but wait: I hold Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B) which in turns holds significant number of AXP shares
Reading Time: < 1 minute I remember reading this last year, this morning I read it from Yahoo Finance. Here is the prospectus at SEC, and here is a glimpse at IPOHome. It looks like they are going to IPO on Feb 10 (from the roadshow, again from IPOHome). I think most people heard about their product enfamil (Amazon, Wiki),
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update Feb 5) It appears BoA CEO Ken Lewis bought additional 200,000 BAC shares yesterday (source: bloomberg). (Original Feb 4) Today Bank of America stock (NYSE: BAC) fell below $5 the first time since 1990s. The company was in trouble earlier this month as the loss from Merrill Lynch turned out to be much bigger
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