Reading Time: < 1 minute The plan Tim Geithner (WSJ): My Plan for Bad Bank Assets (aka Public Private Investment Partnership, PPIP); Treasury dept press release. Notice the PPIP will leverage the TALF program launched by Fed recently. Here is a picture explains how PPIP works with TALF. (click to enlarge) I think it’s important to read those before reading

March 23, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute Link here. See the video below. Watch CBS Videos Online The only thing I want to add is: what a game.

March 22, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute AIG bonus. 90% tax. Clawback (that’s new word for me). Goldman Sachs. The bank rescue (aka toxic assets) plan Tim Geithner (WSJ op ed March 23) My Plan for Bad Bank Assets; NY Times article; WSJ article. Paul Krugman (the recent Nobel Economics winner) comments (one, two) Meet the press, Face the Nation and ABC

March 22, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 31March09) Wells Fargo is saying they may cut foreign staff (source: marketWatch). (Original) I was expecting Coca Cola’s proposed Huiyuan Juice acquistion go through, but obviously things did not turn out as I expected. While the free trade people in the US are upset by this, they should remember in 2005, the US congress

March 21, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute From Charlie Rose, March 17. A conversation about AIG with Hank Greenberg former chairman and CEO of AIG, Carol Loomis Senior editor-at-large of “Fortune”, Gretchen Morgenson of “The New York Times” and Meredith Whitney.

March 18, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute It appears CBS 60 minutes have hit two runs in a row. Last Sunday they had current Fed chairman, Ben Benanke on the show. This coming Sunday, they will have President Obama. Also, Mr. Obama is going to appear at Jay Leno’s Tonight show this Thursday 3/19. Those two shows (I mean 60 minutes vs.

March 18, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute google finance (NYSE:BGP) cash flow, note the numbers in bold In Millions of USD 52 weeks ending 2008-02-02 52 weeks ending 2007-02-03 52 weeks ending 2006-01-28 52 weeks ending 2005-01-23 Issuance (Retirement) of Stock, Net 7.60 -122.70 -238.30 -132.50 Issuance (Retirement) of Debt, Net 43.40 303.30 -1.40 6.80 I has been a Borders customer for

March 15, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 04-30-2020) The below CBS 60 minutes link are no longer valid. But I found a CNBC video from Harry on GE (another ponzi scheme, I agree). (Original 03-12-2009, note the market low on 03-05-2009) Harry Markopolos blew the whistle on Madoff long time ago. But sadly SEC did not listen. Here is the CBS

March 12, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute Cramer Stewart saga goes on. Madoff will go to jail, for life. He deserves it. Just thinking how many people (esp. the older people) lives turned upside down because of his ponzi scheme. How many clothes-less emperors still out there? Lesson for ordinary investors Refer to John Bogle, 6 lessons for investors. Get self educated:

March 12, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute A bunch of politicians (accounting newbies) questioning accountants C-span video here. All right, more finger pointing. Now people (oh, I mean Wall Street and their friends at Washington) are blaming mark to market (wiki), for the financial crisis. This is almost same as blaming starbucks for one’s coffee addiction problem. Coffee, if consumed modestly, is

March 12, 2009
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