Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 23Apr09) It seems Obama administration is going to make credit card more consumer friendly (marketWatch). So are they going to socialize the credit card: I mean, you and me (i.e., honest guys) pay the credit cards on time each month, will bail out the deadbeats, after we bailed out the Wall Street ??? We

April 10, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 20Apr09) Found this trick in google finance (chart), hold on mouse “up” or “down”, the time frame of stock chart extends or contracts. Stock Screener Here is an example: market cap $5 b to 25 b; PE ratio 10 to 20; dividend yield 2% to 5%; return on equity 15% to 25% (last 5

April 9, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Chinese solar stocks are on the fire these days, mostly due to the Chinese goverment subsidy news (like this one). For me, this solar thing is ONS, not for long term investments at this time. The most worrisome thing for solar, is not the over-supply (competition), is not the volatility of raw material cost (as

April 9, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute Pfizer (NYSE: PFE) agreed to buy Wyeth (NYSE: WYE) on Jan 26 2009 (forbes). Quote Forbes: According to the terms of the deal, each outstanding share of Wyeth will be converted into $33.00 in cash and 0.985 of a share of Pfizer stock, valued at$15.57 per share, based on Pfizer’s current price. Last I checked:

April 7, 2009

Reading Time: 3 minutes Bought some Mead Johnson Nutrition (NYSE: MJN) shares last week. I wrote about it couple months ago before its IPO. This is one of my defensive plays in this downturn. It appears to me people will not stop making babies in the recession, from my very limited observation. More importantly, after China milk powder incident

April 6, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute Jim Rogers is a fun guy, not the ordinary fun guy, but a millionare investor who used to work with George Soros (made a fortune). These days he is very bullish on China, although I don’t agree with him on a lot of his investment ideas. I liked his light-heartness and his passion for travel.

April 5, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute Right now the best way is take a shuttle bus (Line No. 1) or a taxi. Allocate at least 1.5 hours. Refer to ShanghaiAirport for updated info. Route: Airport bus Line No.1 Tel: 8621-68346612 From Pudong PVG Airport To Hongqiao SHA Airport (vice versa) Operating Hours PVG Terminal 1:7:00~23:00 (flight over) Terminal 2:7:05~23:05(flight over) SHA

April 3, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute I was a bit surprised to see the anti-Ameren (local ulitily company) TV ads (link here), which shows an old person, feeling stressed by the potential 40% rate hike of electricity by Ameren. This thing reminds me of the political Ads during campaign season. Interestingly enough, Ameren is fighting back with its own Ads.

April 3, 2009

Reading Time: 8 minutes (Update Apr 2). April Fool’s day was yesterday but Financial Fool’s day continues. FASB just lifted the strict mark to marke rule (business week; market watch). (Original) This is NOT what I am saying, but this is essentially the bankers and their friends in congress are saying these days. Tomorrow FASB will vote on fasb

April 1, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute They are all in stock funds. Old 401k (Hewitt): down 11.8% Rollover IRA (Vanguard): down 11.78% New 401k (Vanguard): up 133.97% (this is due to new contribution, I started new 401k in Nov 08, so there is an easy comparison here) Noticed my portfolio balance in Vanguard is about even compared to the end of

April 1, 2009
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