Reading Time: < 1 minute I bought a used book “Inside COM” from Amazon Marketplace recently. This is my second Amazon Marketplace buy this year. I found for used (a little out of dated) computer books, Amazon Marketplace offers a great value. Why I need to buy the COM book? I found in order to really understand the .NET stuff,
Reading Time: < 1 minute GM was replaced by Cisco; Citi replaced by Travellers. Source: WSJ. (you may need to get the full article via Google). Interesing part (for me), quote WSJ: Why choose a tech company, Cisco, to replace an automaker? We did not need another consumer goods company after adding Kraft Foods when we removed AIG. In looking
Reading Time: < 1 minute Microsoft Bing, the new search engine which represents the high hope of Microsoft executives, goes alive today (incidentally today marks another big event in US corp history: General Motor files for bankruptcy). Underneath the Bing, it is really the re-brand of Microsoft Live search, plus some new features, as shown last week at D7. (Actually
Reading Time: < 1 minute Any good financial TV program like the MarketPlace at NPR? I saw this question at the famous bbs at mit. Personally I think Nightly Business Report at PBS is a good source. They are not perfect, sometimes they are even boring, like the “Stocks in the News” segement where Paul kangas usually just reports Pfizer
Reading Time: < 1 minute Walt Mossberg talks about his overall impression of the conference, Walt is the conference organizor, and he is also the tech writer for WSJ besides his involvement to AllThingsD and D conferece (both owned by WSJ, I think). (both videos from Yahoo Tech-ticker) And his comments on Palm Pre (this one could cause some anxiety
Reading Time: < 1 minute GM is going to file bankrupcy. This was not expected 6 months ago. But it’s a reality now. Many people blame the UAW, the management for the problems at GM, which I think only tells part of the story. GM was doing fine after Sept 11, remember the 0% “Keep America rolling” Ad campaign? (Paula
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update from The Register May 29) Palm Pre plays nicely with iTunes. See more D7 video here. Here is another interesting one, for instance, Microsoft new search engine “Bing“.
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 07Sept09) I found a minor problem with Sogotrade. I had this happened to me twice. Basically I changed my mind for existing limited sell order, so I clicked “cancel”. But Sogo works so fast and diligently, partial of my order has already been executed. So basically later on when I want to sell the
Reading Time: < 1 minute This one. Use coupon code TP2GK4X1DTX0C8 (expires June 3) during check out. It comes out $229 + tax (after $50 mail-in rebate). Slightly cheaper than Amazon ($290 after $50 main-in rebate). Dell also offers Nokia N85 at $247 + tax (with $50 main-in rebate). Reviews: GSMArena; BrightHand. Discussions “N85 or 5800XM”: phonegg; Nokia discussion forum.
Reading Time: < 1 minute It is reported that Pequot Capital will go out of business in next few months (from CNBC). Pequot was headed by Art Samberg (one of the Barrons Rountable 2008 expert), who would have dismal performance if he followed his Barrons Roundtable pick. Quote his best and worst picks (loss > 80%): Company Ticker 1/4/08 12/31/08
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