Reading Time: < 1 minute Here is their web site. Unfortunately the decriptions are in Chinese, and they require resume in Simplified Chinese. The positions are based in Beijing. Thanks to my wife who found their Ads at WSJ yesterday. It says apply at their web site: . The application deadline is June 28. As name implies, most are

June 10, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update June 11) Here is a review of the software, by experts at Univ. of Michigan. (Original) Yesterday I read from WSJ that Chinese government is asking the PC makers to install anti-porn software “Green dam” from July 1. I can understand western media’s interest here: the intension of government is more than protecting the

June 9, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute TDMA, or TD-SCDMA, is a Chinese domestic 3G standard (Wikipedia). China was not behind the west in terms of 2.5 GSM network and applications in recently years. Actually the development of mobile phones are so successful, the total users of China mobile phones users already exceeded half a billion (source: digitimes). China Mobile (NYSE: CHL),

June 8, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute Yesterday, the jocky it sponsors, Kent Desormeaux won the Belmont, one of the triple crown in horse racing. (source: Today, Roger Federer, its spoke person, won the French Open. The Ad below is a bit old, but Netjets released a new Ad shortly after the win, which is a bit funny.

June 7, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 06-11-09) Upon second look, sold the stock. Got some Compuware (Nasdaq: CPWR) shares last week in my SogoTrade account (for speculation purpose). I used their DevPartner products (integrated with Visual Studio, sold to MicroFocus lately, see news below) for memory debugging and performance tuning. Very impressed by their products from my experience. It can

June 6, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute Compiled from various sources in last few months. I read those articles first from Yahoo Finance career-work section. A lot goodies there. (AP) Even in a recession, some companies are hiring. Quote: Help wanted: pharmacists, engineers and nurses. Believe it or not, even some banks are hiring, at least for their technology teams. (CNN Money)

June 5, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes The thing finally came from Dell Small Biz (via UPS). My initial impressions: meet expectation (I understand this is not an iPhone killer, rather a notch below iPhone, as the $240 price tag much lower than iPhone $499 price tag). (Left: iPhone; Right: Nokia 5800) 1) The size is about right, slimmer than iPhone, but

June 4, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute I felt I have to say a few words about that day. After all, some friends back home have already express that in various means. Today marks the twentieth anniversary of that day, a lot good things have happened to my home country in last 20 years. The giant US corporations are making money in

June 3, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes 四川腾中重工(in Chinese, Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Machinery) The little known Chinese Co. who bought Hummer brand from GM yesterday (News: Bloomberg; Reuters; Tengzhong web site). Quote Reuters: Tengzhong, formed in 2005 through several mergers, makes special-use vehicles such as dump trucks and fuel tankers, as well as construction machinery, energy equipment, and structural components for highways

June 3, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute Blackberry or iPhone? I used both BB and iPhone. I think BB is better for “Email/text messaging” (dedicated keypad). It takes a few days to get used to the touch screen keypad on iPhone. It’s still not as easy as the BB keypad in my opinion. BB also has strong push technology which pushes email

June 2, 2009
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