Reading Time: 2 minutes (CNET) Chinese authorities probe iPhone worker’s death (PCWorld) iPhone Suicide Case Spotlights Tech’s Dark Side Apparently many foreign media can not understand why a guy will jump off the building just because the iPhone he was in charge went missing? Well, it appears to me there are two factors: 1) It’s very very hard to
Reading Time: < 1 minute This topic is heating up in recent days. I think there are a lot of mis-understandings and mis-conception on this. One is a lot people think medicare is inefficient, I have not used medicare but it seems quite efficient in reality. (Source: economist) The bottom line is healthcare boils down to two issue:
Reading Time: < 1 minute Google finance released the new interface last week. I did not feel comfortable with it at first sight, but after reading its explaination and spent some time on it, I am feeling more comfortable with it now. One quick thing, those who are interested in financial statements may complain where is the good old financial
Reading Time: < 1 minute Was listening to WealthTrack podcasting in the weekend, and Westwood Holdings CIO Susan Byrne mentioned some European dividend paying stocks (Nestle, Danone, Novartis etc), which reminded me one thing. Not all dividends are equal. As I recall, I bought Sygenta (NYSE: SYN), the Swiss agriculture stock last year, and my broker withhold some of the
Reading Time: < 1 minute I was looking for an iPhone radio stream (particularly wma format because it seems middle kingdom likes this Microsoft audio format), and I found this FStream at iTune store to be good. After I set up the following: 北京人民广播电台首都生活 (Beijing Radio) mms:// format: wma rate: 64 k/sec
Reading Time: < 1 minute I found this program when doing research for Huntsman (NYSE:HUN). I found value investor Jean Marie Eveillard has a little of Huntsman stocks at gurufocus. Noticed there are some video clips for Jean Eveillard in this gurufocus web page, including one from YouTube. So I looked around and found this program. WealthTrack Podcast Here is
Reading Time: 2 minutes By the time of this writing, CIT Group (NYSE: CIT) fate is still unknown. A while ago (Apr 24 2009) I wrote about CIT Group because I traded it on that day. I felt the situation looked more an more like WaMu as that afternoon the rating agency downgraded the rating of CIT bond to
Reading Time: < 1 minute First saw it via Yahoo (actually saw it on TV first). The TV program will mentioned other baby ads: E-Trade and Quizno’s (not in good taste). The following is a complete version of Evian’s skating baby Ad from Youtube.
Reading Time: 2 minutes When I say “play Buffett” I meant people who follows Buffett investing strategy, more specifically people who buy and hold his company Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A, BRK.B) stock. This is not easy as Buffett’s strategy is not clear cut, and his company stock is mostly overpriced in recent years (because of his fame), not to
Reading Time: 2 minutes My logitech V200 mouse is more than 3 years old. Recently it acts a bit strange, basically the clicking does not work very well: for instance, when I intended clicking once, it will click twice, vice versa. So I was looking for a replacement for some time. I found the VX Nano is a good
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