Reading Time: 2 minutes I started Financial Times subscription this week. Last week, I took advantage an offer (or a bait) of $49 for 6 months subscription. I have subscribed and read FT in the past (a few years ago when I did not know much about finance). The main reason is my WSJ and Barrons subscription are expiring,

August 4, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute Financial education for the kids of course, learn from the grand master is the best way. Here it is, buffett’s secret millionaire’s club cartoon. This is a more systematic approach, which includes a lot different concept on personal finance and investing, such as saving, rate of return/capital expenditure (modeled after See’s Candy), etc.

August 1, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute I remember once my Accounting instructor told his father bought him a Kansas ulility stock when he was a kid (maybe 10 years old or so). The interesting part is everyday he would read the stock section of newspaper and check the price of his stock. One reason he chose accounting as his profession. I

July 31, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Shanghai housing price heated up again recently, according to famous Shanghai blogger Wang Jianshuo. It’s no secret the stock market (Shanghai composite index) rebounded from 1,700 in last Oct. to 3,400 in last couple days, an 100% increase. CNN had an article How to say bubble in Mandarin. Video below.

July 29, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute David Swensen (head of Yale endowment management) Individual should be responsible to educate themselves if they actively manage their portfolio or just go passive: investing in index fund (this is echo to Buffett, Bogle). There is nothing in between (in other words, he thinks doing something in between can not bring good performance). David is

July 27, 2009

Reading Time: 3 minutes When I first came to the US in fall 1997, I bought the university healthcare insurance plan, which is pretty basic, and pretty cheap. I don’t have a primary physician, and I never went to the university clinic (part of the reason was I don’t know how to say those medical terms in English, part

July 26, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes Through the years I have bought books, digital cameras, computers, mouse, shoes and many other things on the web, from Amazon, eBay,, Sears, Zappos and so on. In some stores I could pick up the merchadise at the store (Sears, for one). I did that at Circuit City before its bankrupcy. But today is

July 24, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute Huntsman corp (NYSE:HUN) is a specialty chemical maker in the US, with operations all over the world. It was founded by Jon M. Huntsman in 1970. Huntsman settles lawsuit with Apollo and banks June 25 2009, SEC filing 8-K regarding settlement with banks. Dec 15 2008, SEC filing 8-K regarding settlement with Apollo Group. Matlin

July 23, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute courtesy of CNN UK (CNN video link no longer available, here is a text link on LinkedIn, LinkedIn registeration needed): translating financial jargon into plain English, CNN’s Jim Boulden tackles EBITDA and a classroom of children. EBITDA stands for earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization.

July 23, 2009
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