Reading Time: 2 minutes Quite a few changes lately. The most obvious one, is she likes to talk, which is opposite to her parents (we both don’t talk much). The most common words out of her mouth is “ma ma”, “ba ba” (Chinese words for dad), and more recently something like “done”. She started to pull up to stand

March 8, 2011

Reading Time: < 1 minute Fazoli’s is fast Italian food restaurant chain. I used to work at a company where there is a nearby Fazoli’s. It’s became my preferred lunch place, after I went there a few times with co-worker (and order Chicken Caesar Sandwich only, because in the beginning I don’t eat pastas, being from China I eat noodles

February 24, 2011

Reading Time: 2 minutes WSJ ran an interesting article “Retiring Boomers Find 401(k) Plans Fall Short” over the weekend (link here, if not work please google the article to get it). I felt sorry to read this: …Gloria Moss has been contributing to a 401(k) since 1985, when she went back to work after having children. Especially after divorcing,

February 22, 2011

Reading Time: < 1 minute Turbo Tax Federal discount It’s tax season again. Here is the Turbo Tax Federal discount available to me. In most cases I think it will also work for others πŸ™‚ Bank of America: 35% off link Citicards: 35% off link Scottrade: 30% off Vanguard (regular customers): 25% off Weekend review Signed up the 360iDev iPhone

February 13, 2011

Reading Time: 2 minutes During the annual benefits enrollment a while ago, I knew health insurance premium would go up quite a bit in 2011. So what can I do to offset that premium increase? Decrease the savings for 401k? Just kidding. Over the years I have seen a lot of confusions and myths on the 401k savings. For

January 24, 2011

Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s that time of the year again, the time for new year’s resolution and planning. The past year has brought interesting addition to our family: our baby girl “Youyou”. On business (or iOS app) side, I joined the iPhone (iOS) developer program in July (paid the $99 annual fee), and released the first app myNestEgg

January 6, 2011

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s Christmas eve 2010. Baby already fell asleep. Wife is tweaking her new Toshiba R705 laptop, and I was reading some Navigation controller stuff while watching TV (PBS Christmas program, KMOV news). This year is obviously one of the most significant years in my 13 years stay in this country. In early March, we got

December 26, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute This 9-month-old young lady. Her first endeavor in Xcode I think she is still a winner although there were 62 compile errors. You know why? Because Youyou tried (I am quoting my 5 and half years old niece).

December 6, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute This is to fix a show stopper problem in v 1.2, as pointed out by one of the users. The problem happened after a user used the keyboard to input data (dismiss the keyboard by tap background), the app will add a comma to “beginning savings” and “salary”. This causes confusion and mis-calculation down the

November 24, 2010

Reading Time: 2 minutes This morning I received an email from a user saying that the app stopped working. After one round of back and forth, I realized I shipped the product with a serious (show stopper) bug: I was playing around with adding a comma separator around the time I made change for v 1.2, and I left

November 21, 2010
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