Reading Time: < 1 minute Latest and the greatest π 1) Fixed “data not being saved” bug in myNestEgg and collegeFund 2) Also, in myNestEgg v 1.5, we added “Auto Pilot” feature, similar to what has been introduced in collegeFund 1.5. The main difference is in myNestEgg I set income ratio to 70%. Why 70% for income ratio in retirement
Reading Time: 2 minutes I was working on a new app and this app has something to do with timing. Basically I need to record the time between a button being displayed and the time a user touches the button (note they are in two different functions). NSDate and memory leak To accomplish this, I am using NSDate class,
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 08-29-2014) As of iOS 7, this functionality needs some tweak. See this thread on stack overflow and this post. The gist of the change is Apple disabled http, it needs https now. (Original 05-14-2011) I was following John Muchow’s tutorial “Distribute Ad Hoc Applications over the air OTA“. It worked as expected until the
Reading Time: 2 minutes If you are iOS developer who has sold app (or ads, in-app purchase) on iTunes App store, the iTunes connect Financial Report is no stranger to you. Personally I published my 1st paid app to the App store last Sept, and I have since received financial report email notifications, and direct deposit. I did not
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 05-13-2011) Released. Free for a limited time. Here is a link to the iTunes App store. (Original) This is to address one problem posed by a user in the iTunes app store review. Basically his (her) comment is that the iteration approach (try and error to get desired coverage ratio) takes too much work.
Reading Time: 2 minutes Top 10 misconception or mysteries facing new iOS developers. Summarized from my observations and own experience. Part 1. Free app or paid app? This is a big question. Apple iTunes app store is not a freebie store (compared to many other app stores), that being said, most downloaded apps are either free or cost 99
Reading Time: 2 minutes WordPress 3.1.1 Finally I got hands around my blog (this one stlplace) and did the WordPress upgrade. I put off the upgrade in the past primarily due to my laziness: there is no automatic update due to I was running on WP 2.0.2. The upgrade itself is not too bad, I followed those two articles
Reading Time: 3 minutes First I want to express sympathy to the Japanese people affected by the natural disaster/nuclear reactor problem. Being Chinese, I’m conscious of the long history (some good, some bad) between the two countries and two people. But on this biggest crisis for Japan since world war II, I felt sorry for the people, and doing
Reading Time: < 1 minute All proceeds from the sales of the myNestEgg and collegeFund (CF is free this week) apps between March 13th and March 27th will be donated to the Saving the Children for the disaster relief efforts in Japan. If you prefer to make a direct donation to the relief efforts (you can probably get more bang
Reading Time: 2 minutes The following is a guest post created by Ashley B. Mulvey who writes for financial advisor career advice , her interest blog she uses to share her knowledge to assist people cope with the facets of economic advisory. Financial Advisers can have great careers and be real assets to their communities, but they can fall
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