Search Results for: "earning report"

Reading Time: 2 minutes Olympics buzz at work place As the Beijing 2008 only 8 days away, I am hearing quite a bit Olympics query from coworkers lately, mostly from curiosity and good will (wish Beijing and China will do well). As a Chinese living in America, I certain also hope things also work out well, amid all the

July 31, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes My 2 cents on Cummins CMI (a while ago) I have watched CMI for a few months now, have not pulled the trigger yet. There was a brief chance around March 17. I dare not to buy it after it went above 50. Like commodity, short term CMI has some selling pressure because: 1) It’s

July 30, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute A subdued Olympics rally? The Olympics is coming. But we are not seeing much sign of an Olympics stock market rally, both in Shanghai, or in New York. The Shanghai composite index is barely above 52 week low, at around 2800 to 2900 range. Two of the Beijing 2008 Sponsors, China Mobile (NYSE: CHL) and

July 28, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes By now it’s no secret that CROX stock failed. After it issued horrendous 2Q 08 preliminary results and full year guidance yesterday afternoon (refer to MarketWatch for more details). I don’t want to dive into the numbers and add salt to injury. I traded the stock last year until this Feb. when I realized it

July 25, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update July 17) I went to Fazoli this evening to take some food home. Surprisingly there are many people again. Another sign average people are feeling the pinch in this recession. (Original) Fazoli has been my favorite lunch places for a while. Recently it got more and more crowded during lunch time. This seems strange

July 16, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Amid the terrible market and paper loss in my brokerage account, I was doing some soul search: general market condition aside, what went wrong in my investments; new ideas? I came across this Cal-Maine foods from the latest Barrons, Egg Fight: The Yolk’s on the Shorts. We all know the egg price went up quite

July 5, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Currency effects While we are heading to $4 gas (partly thanks the weak dollar), not all are victims of this trend. Think Google or IBM. Google (GOOG) and IBM reported blow out earning, while cell phone maker Nokia (NOK) reported so-so earning (or outlook) last week. One key difference is the reported currency, Google and

April 20, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes Crocs (CROX) lowered its Q1 number yesterday. I sold all my CROX shares a while back after its Q4 earning announcement, because I thought the fundamental is still bad, not to mention the potential cash flow problem I talked earlier. Since I am talking about the financial media lately, I think one really does not

April 15, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes My wife used to joked with me: you always tout some stocks when you buy, then after it crashed, you will say it’s a crap (XFML, Heelys, LFT, Crocs). I think I won’t say that for Mindray, and hopefully no hard feelings for BRK, either. Sold Mindray MR I sold my remaining Mindray (MR) shares

April 3, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Two important news about China wireless arena yesterday. 1) China Mobile finally started the long awaited trial of TD-SCDMA 3G network (read Chinese news story 1 , and 2 from XinhuaNet). Some features of 3G include the video conference/phone, TV program, etc. 2) The new (lower) roaming fees takes effect. I think 2) may have

April 2, 2008
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