Reading Time: < 1 minute Two impressions: 1) It’s not easy to get the coal, both underground (long wall), and surface (excavator, loader, truck). The geological condition (thinner seam) is making the job more difficult. One scene remains in my mind is miners eating lunch in the tunnel, while I was eating lunch in the office. 2) Commercial air travel
Reading Time: < 1 minute This evening I was talking to my daughter: mommy and daddy will get older, will you help/support (in Chinese, it’s Yang, same words as raise kids in English) mommy and daddy. Because that word “yang” has same sound as “yang” for “itchy”, she started tickle me. But on a more serious note, she did say
Reading Time: < 1 minute 1) This puzzelled me for a while, my macbook air run out of space often. I was trying to use the build “Finder” to find large files, delete files and some unused apps, to no avail. I did some more google and used this Mac App “FindSpace”. And I found this directory /var/vm has some
Reading Time: < 1 minute Recently I need to create some customized textfield to input numbers and text on iPad. I don’t like the default keyboard on iPad because it takes too much of the screen, and in some cases covers up the input field. 1) From iphonedevsdk: What is proper way to do UITextField text change call back? (this
Reading Time: < 1 minute I was involved into a car accident in the past weekend. We are all fine, so as the other party. The main thing is both cars got some damage. It’s funny when I drove the broken car on the road, I got quite a few “look back” from other drivers. And yesterday, at McDonald parking
Reading Time: 2 minutes Have not done this for a while. I have changed job again, and in the new year started a developer position very close to home, doing mobile (iOS, iPhone, iPad) development. I love what I am doing now, because I got opportunity to create an app from back end (database, web service) to front end
Reading Time: < 1 minute I need to create a .NET web service consumable by iOS device. Did some research and found out WCF Restful service is the way to go. I used the following examples (tutorials) to construct my web service. 0) Basic Resource Service (link here). This is basically a self hosting web service run in a main
Reading Time: 4 minutes (Update 02-27-2019) It’s 5 and half years since last update. And two more jobs for me :] Noticed from recent job search in STL, code exercise and code testing (at the spot, pair programming, TDD) is becoming common now in STL, which is unthink of 5.5 years back. I did add a few blog posts
Reading Time: < 1 minute Last week (Friday), when at friends’ house, and the hostess offered snack, she asked “这是什么呀?(what is this)”? Today, after we put her to crib, when my wife and I both read iPhone on bed (her crib is next to our bed), she said “在看什么呀?(what are you reading)?”…Later, she also said “what are you doing?”
Reading Time: < 1 minute drop down box Clear a list for selectionOneMenu every time, got burned by this in a “page number” drop down for Richfaces data scroller. And some other places. Use validator keep in mind it will overwrite the required = “true”, if the user does not select a valid value from drop down, it will give
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