Reading Time: < 1 minute Good idea? Bad idea? I read this article on LATimes talking about how the kids hacked the MDM software on school issued iPads. The topic was on security. Obviously the MDM provider did not do a through job, as explained by an article on alertboot here. This reminds me of another question, the iPad in

September 27, 2013

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 09-27-13) I think it’s a bit silly people are all over the motion-sickness caused by iOS 7. I found the new Safari “color effect under address bar when the web page moves up” cool, it took me a while to figure out why the color on the top is changing sometimes (very subtle 🙂

September 25, 2013

Reading Time: < 1 minute The BBM for Android and iPhone app collapsed (see TechCrunch article). Feel bad for those guys. Note my first smart phone is a Blackberry. It appears they got some serious problem with the scale of BBM on Android and iPhone app rollout. It’s possible the talent guys already left the boat. ..basically they put half

September 22, 2013

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 2, 11-18-2013) I sold my Nexus 4 as I am getting my iPhone 5s. I still think Nexus 4 is a lot phone for the money ($199 before tax). Another feature I liked is the integration with google contacts, and google+ photo backup. I just found there’s an option on iPhone Google+ app for

September 8, 2013

Reading Time: < 1 minute Krugman, the Nobel economics laureate recently penned an article basically saying Apple is no good. I think he has one valid point on iTunes and the relatively closeness of Apple ecosystem. This reminds me of one thing, the cloud storage for consumers. Apple has this iCloud going for a few years, it can be used

August 29, 2013

Reading Time: < 1 minute Was at a friend’s house last night, watching the July 4th fireworks display at his house, as the house has a perfect view. We talked about things since we have not seen each other for a while. When asked by a friend what is the things gave me impressions on my first employer (I worked

August 6, 2013

Reading Time: < 1 minute A few years ago, when I was a Java developer with a focus on JSF front end, one of my task is the paging of many pages of data, using Richfaces. Like many open source framework, Richfaces is a powerful tool, but it has its flaws (or limitations) if we don’t implement it carefully. Here

July 30, 2013

Reading Time: < 1 minute From CocoaChina. 一、 一个人坐在热气球上飞行,突然发现自己迷路了。他降低高度,发现下面有个人。他把气球降的更低,大声向下面的人问路,“请问,你能告诉我我在哪吗?” 下面的人说:“当然,你在一个热气球上,距离地面30英尺高。” “你一定是个搞技术的,”热气球里的人说。 “没错”这人回答道。“你怎么知道的?” “很简单,”热气球里的人说,“所有你告诉我的东西在技术上都是正确的,但对我一点用处也没有。” 下面的人回复说,“你一定是个项目经理。” “没错,”热气球里的人说,“你怎么知道的?” “很简单”,下面的人说,“你经常找不到北,或者不知道该去哪,你希望别人能够帮助你。在遇到我之前你也是这样,但现在是我犯了个错误。” 二、 从前,有一牧羊人,他在一条荒废的公路边照看他的羊群。突然,路上一辆崭新的保时捷嘎然来了一个急刹车。车主,一个穿着阿曼尼的西装,Cerutti的鞋子,带着Ray-Ban太阳镜,TAG-Heuer腕表,系着一条范思哲领带的年轻人走了出来,问牧羊人:“如果我能告诉你这里一共有多少只羊,你能给我一只吗?” 牧羊人看看这个年轻人,然后又看看他那成群的在牧场上吃草的羊,说:“行。” 年轻人停好他的车,用笔记本连上无线网络,接入美国宇航局的服务,用GPS扫描地面,然后进入数据库,导出60张填满了算法数据和校验数据表的Excel,然后用他的高科技的微型打印机打印出一份150页的报告。他转过头来对牧羊人说:“你不多不少一共有1586只羊。” 牧羊人非常高兴,说,“非常正确,你可以拿走一只羊。” 年轻人选了一只,放进保时捷的后备箱。牧羊人看着他,问:“如果我能猜出你的职业,你能把后备箱里的那只动物还给我吗?” 年轻人回答:“当然,为什么不呢?” 牧羊人:“你是一个IT顾问。” 年轻人:“你怎么知道的?” 牧羊人:“非常简单。首先,你不请自来。第二,你让我花钱来换取我已经知道的事情,三,你根本不知道我是干什么的…现在你能把那只狗还给我了吗?”

July 28, 2013

Reading Time: < 1 minute I added the 3rd tab has the excel like data table, the screen shot shown below. I can provide the source code if needed. Just email me at minjie dot xu AT gmail dot com

July 27, 2013

Reading Time: < 1 minute A little over a year ago, I started working full time as iOS developer for a mining company. One of the first projects is create spreadsheet like application on iPad. At that time there is no UICollectionView, and I found GMGridView to be interesting. I did look at an existing product called iOS Data Grid

July 25, 2013
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