Reading Time: < 1 minute So I was able to fix that performance problem I mentioned in my previous post. But I inadvertently introduced a new problem in my previous fix. And here is the gist of how I did: while (some condition) { if(some other condition) { … return; } } Guess what, I was able to put it
Reading Time: < 1 minute Tree data structure is fairly common in software development, and luckily I have quite a bit experience working on those in my career. I started working on this as I was working for UGS/Siemens PLM Software, and I was involved in the development of XML based data adapter for CAD data exchange, a key piece
Reading Time: < 1 minute She will ask a lot questions on the way to school, as the iPhone/iPad/work takes over my spare time these days, I did not get a lot quality time with Yoyo alone. Driving her to school and take her back to home provide good opportunities for communications. She will usually have a lot of questions
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 02-19-2021) Testing the Web Layer Mockito Example with Best Practices JUnit and Mockito : Best Practices, Do’s and Don’ts (Original) Test Driven Development (TDD) is getting popular these days. I had opportunity to being exposed it recently. I am not new to unit test. In the software company I worked for 8 years,
Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s finally spring time here, which also means summer is around the corner. And we need to get kids into summer camp, instead of let them glue to Netflix or iPads all day 🙂 There are quite a few summer camps in the area, some are almost full time (like regular semester), some are more
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 03-05-2019, almost 5 years since original post) I did something similar for iPhone X, XR, XS screen size. Basically I stretched the Default-568h@2x.png to Default-375w-812h@3x.png and added that in the “launch image”. I also noticed the some of the nib files have the wrong constraints for label, textfield and button. I made some simple
Reading Time: < 1 minute I was listening/reading two stories on the college debt (source: NPR) and the financial well beings of millennials (source: fortune/cnn), which lead to to add some new features to the collegeFund app. The app was essentially a college savings (529 plan) and I did not thought too much of this college debt problem at the
Reading Time: < 1 minute From my limited experience BA Avios points are difficult to redeem for international flights, esp. from where I live STL to PVG Shanghai. But I also heard BA miles is very efficient for the US domestic flights, the trick is also to find them. So here is how I did recently, for one way STL
Reading Time: < 1 minute I have a need to exchange some euro into US dollars. I did some research online as I recall previously I did not have very good experience on this. Saw a few articles (such as this MSN one, and this independentTraveller one). They are relevant but not totally applicable, I think they are more geared
Reading Time: < 1 minute This is the common saying I heard a lot when I started worked for a software company on development. I can list some of the pros and cons of fix it. Pros Architecture chaos: if not fixing it, basically as the software ages, per the “broken windows” theory, people would just throw in changes to
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