Reading Time: 3 minutes My thoughts on #RFKJr nomination of the department of HHS. First I would say nobody or very few people would know him if not for his last name and family connections. He is a #VaccineDenier which may have negative impact on the health of the babies, the toddlers, the younger kids in the US. I
Reading Time: 4 minutes 中文简体读者:这里有一个谷歌翻译的版本,可能不是最新的版本,但大意差不多。 Yesterday (Sunday) afternoon I drove for Uber the first time, after I thought and talked about it for a bit. Note I still have the day job – this is mostly to supplement my income, and also gain some experience/have some fun. I also wrote a Twitter/X thread here. A few things to do
Reading Time: 2 minutes (01-23-2025) Last Saturday I learned wustl has an area that its school shuttle covers (don’t know where to find it online). And I came across this one about why people (mainly students I assume) usually live. (11-03-2024 更新) 我上载了一个油管视频,是关于这个主题的,欢迎各种意见反馈。 (有人在小红书上问 #圣路易斯 哪里比较 #安全,我猜可能是华大学生,以下是我的回答):综合考虑,建议住 #Clayton, #Brentwood, #Olivette 等。如果有上K-12的小孩,学区来讲,Olivette (Ladue), 和 Clayton 是密苏里公立学校/学区里面第一和第二名。Brentwood ranked 12th in the
Reading Time: 2 minutes My 14 year old (when she was almost 14) decided to switch to this electric toothbrush given by the Orthodontist office and after a while she wanted to order the replacement toothbrush heads. This is not the most common electric toothbrush and I had to order the replacement heads at the their official website. But
Reading Time: < 1 minute 今天一大早,我家大娃第一次出城比赛,不是钢琴🎹或其它乐器,不是数学,sci-only, 是 XC( cross country #越野跑)😂. 兵分两路,老爸(yours truly) 将跑第八个’Due Run. 大概算了下,God’s Willing, 等小娃高中毕业🎓,还有八个’Due Run. 结果:两个人大概都跑了34分钟多一点😂 PS: 拉肚学区啥都卷,小朋友们卷小朋友的东西,家长们卷’Due Run. 我记得有一回黄大神带了胜跑群的一路神仙们席卷了不少奖牌🏅😂 Btw, I signed up this year’s Olivette Turkey Trot. I probably ran my 1st Olivette Turkey Trot 5K in year 2018. I signed up in year 2017 but I chickened out at the last minute. I
Reading Time: 7 minutes 中文翻译(主要是谷歌翻译的,我做了一点修改)在这里。 This is probably the 3rd time we stayed in a hospital in America – if we count the time we spent in the Mercy for our 2 babies delivery (baby number 1 and number 2). Last week in my blog I talked about our little baby got sick. As she didn’t get better, we
Reading Time: 2 minutes Our 10 year old got sick on the 1st day of Labor Day weekend – 8/31 Saturday. She has violin private lesson and we had to do it over the Zoom. Initially we didn’t think too much of it, but on Monday 9/2, as we didn’t see her getting any better we decided to go
Reading Time: 2 minutes This probably should be the series 2 of Ladue high school, we are coming, series I is here and I wrote it about 9 months ago. Now it’s real – which means, every morning, I have to be patient about the traffic on Warson road. And I am very proud to announce: so far I
Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently due to the booming of AI, the daring of AI and the wall street Nvidia $NVDA had crazy good earning reports in last year or two (20 months to be exact, if we look at the stock chart from Jan 1st, 2023). And I recall recently their every quarter’s earning report is a confirmation
Reading Time: 2 minutes T-Mobile I think I started using T-Mobile probably from year 2012, ever since my 2-year contract with AT&T ended. I got the 2-year contract when I bought iPhone 4 at the Apple Store in fall 2010. H2O Note with T-Mobile, I did not sign up the data plan. And In year 2014, I started looking
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