Reading Time: < 1 minute 2012 LE, basic radio. Set the language from Spanish to English (it says Corolla, but it works for Sienna as well, as they have very similar audio equipments). Setup bluetooth My tip: so I followed the instruction 1 and set up bluetooth audio for my iPhone 5s with the minivan, and later on I tried

December 6, 2014

Reading Time: < 1 minute The new math puzzle bought from Amazon. Since serenity no longer goes to Montessori school, we got this for her. The item costs $44.99 at Amazon, and costs about $10 at Taobao in China 🙂

December 4, 2014

Reading Time: < 1 minute I have been in “austerity mode” since late Sept., and so far my main approach is “shop at Aldi, and global food market”. I found Aldi has most of the grocery and basic daily stuff, while global food market has the fresh veggies and sea food. Occasionally I shopped at Sam’s club, Target, Trader Joe’s

November 29, 2014

Reading Time: 2 minutes I did an experiment recently trying to move my wordpress website from a shared hosting site to Amazon aws ec2 micro instance (t1). The migration was mostly successful, I did not make the move eventually due to some technical and non-technical reasons. Nonetheless, I would like to share some of the lesson I learned from

November 29, 2014

Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s Friday again. I had to admit this is not an easy week for me. After a lot of back and forth, I finally decided to withdraw my elder daughter from Montessori school, mostly due to financial reasons. As a father, I felt I am giving up something for my daughter due to my limited

October 3, 2014

Reading Time: < 1 minute My elder daughter Serenity finally used to sleep in her room recently. The trick is I decided not to co-sleep with her. Also, she still needs her mommy watch her falling asleep, which usually takes an hour or so, since she gets up sometimes: ask me questions, etc. (delay tactic). Little baby Sophia is getting

September 26, 2014

Reading Time: 2 minutes With (before) the release of iOS8, I noticed the iTunes Connect web interface has also been changed. But today is the first time I submit my app (update) to the store for last few months. There are some changes. 1) First, there is no “ready to submit app” button in the iTunes Connect, instead we

September 24, 2014

Reading Time: < 1 minute I signed up the BoA credit card 50,000 miles promotion last Dec. But I forgot to spend $1000 in the first 3 months, I spent $995 in the first two months and then stopped. The reason was I thought I had reached this limit. But I forgot one thing: to check my spending at both

September 22, 2014

Reading Time: < 1 minute Saw this discussion at (发信人: waluzz78 (哇鲁庄镇), 信区: Parenting). I think I agree. ====== 最近跟国内来的访问学者或旅游的家庭往,感觉国内的孩子很活泼自信,跟大人打交道 也很自然。跟他们相比,我们周围在美国长大的10岁左右的小孩,包括我们自己的孩子 ,显得更木讷,尤其不擅长跟大人打交道。我琢磨了一下,觉得原因是孩子在美国长大 ,只想用英文说话,而在家里父母用中文跟他们交流,他们虽然能听懂,但不愿用中文 回答,久而久之,跟大人的交流也变少了,而中国父母跟美国家庭的来往有限,孩子们 也缺乏跟美国大人的来往,结果既没学会中国人待人接物的方法,也没学会美国人的方 式,基本上只会跟同龄人打交道,在成人面前就显得很木讷。想起夏天一个孩子班上搞 得跟老师告别的party上,美国孩子即兴侃侃而谈表达对老师的感激之情,几个中国孩 子唯唯诺诺的回避发言,当时以为是性格所至,现在看应该是生长环境造成的。国内长 大的孩子普遍就大方多了。现在很想亡羊补牢,改善一下孩子的社交能力,我能想到的 就是多带孩子参加活动,尤其是美国人为主的活动,因为让孩子学中国人待人处事已经 不切合实际了,只好人他们学习美国人的方式,自己也只好step out of the comfort zone了.也许加入country club是个办法。以前觉得那里中国人太少了,加入是受罪.不 知大家有什么好建议。 ======

September 21, 2014

Reading Time: 2 minutes It seems the wifi router comes with AT&T u-verse does not work with Apple TV. Apple TV could not find the wifi network from the build in u-verse wifi router. I found one workaround, that is to turn off the build in Wifi, use an old wifi router (D-Link DI-524) for Wifi instead. But there

September 20, 2014
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