Reading Time: < 1 minute 上面这个照片是我在最近一次的去中国的航班上照的。来美国有快二十年,坐过很多次飞跃太平洋的航班,坐的最多可能是美联航的航班。从芝加哥到上海的直航也就13,14个小时,加上从圣村到芝城的一个小时再加上几个小时的lay over, 总共的旅行时间比我当年从宁波到武汉上学的时间(大概是37,38小时,包括两次中转的时间)还短些。当然还比当年的火车舒服些。飞机坐多了,难免会有这样那样的事。最吓人的一回是2004年夏天从旧金山走,说是飞机起飞时发现翅膀发动机有火花。飞机在海上把满箱的油放掉后返航。当时乘务员给大家出了一个题,多少油,多少钱一加仑航空油。我算了一下大概是30多万美元。随着航空公司这两年越来越追求利润,不知道现在还会不会这样做? 还有一次是冬天,圣村到凤城的航班因雪晚点。等我赶到去上海的登机口,飞机已起飞。求工作人员能否让我standby 还没走的北京航班。也许是被我的诚意打动,工作人员给我改签了到北京的standby。飞北京的航班也已快结束登机,这一次还有一个空位。工作人员把已关闭的登机口再打开(我是第一回碰到这种情况),登机不久,飞机就离开登机口了。 这几年回国免不了坐动车高铁,速度快,不拥挤。还有味道不错的快餐。 我在大学时的火车可没这么好:慢,在春运时非常拥挤。第一年春节回校,在杭州转车。记得那天天气很好,中午到杭州后晚上再坐车,就跑到西湖边来晃晃。印象中杭州的女孩身材不错,穿着也比内地女孩稍时髦些,很有特点(妩媚又很得体)。有一次在南昌转车,好像是南昌到北京的车(经过武汉)。不光没位置,而且连站的地方都没有。火车还在株洲还是武昌附近弄了很长时间的临时停车。记得当时一个武大还是华工科英的88级的女生给削了一个苹果,印象很深。在火车上基本上不想吃东西,也不怎么喝水。当时火车挤到什么程度?不知道80后,90后的同学有否体会?一个厕所里站了7个人,有个女孩想用洗手间,叫里面的男生出来一下,女生背对。结果没人响应,只能再挤一节车厢。另一次我记得我的一个宁波老乡在火车上说到家洗个热水澡,再抽根烟那是最美的事了。还有一个老乡,他家的条件好一些,就坐飞机去武汉,是运七飞机,螺旋桨的。我相信这些都是过去式了。 还有一些旅行的轶事和碰到的好心人,下回再说吧

July 3, 2016

Reading Time: 2 minutes Reading FAQs from Citi web page. Quoted below. ==== Q1. When do I start sending my payments to Citi instead of American Express? A1: When you receive a statement from American Express please send your payment to American Express by mail, phone, or online. When you receive a statement from Citi, please send your payment

June 21, 2016

Reading Time: 1 minute Courtyard in Xujiahui (formerly Tibet hotel, as you can see the rooftop design, tripAdvisor, marriott website). Good location and friendly people. I recall the first time I visited (2011), I used my Marriott rewards and silver status, the front desk especially got the leader over and greet. I suspect at that time, perhaps there were

May 10, 2016

Reading Time: 2 minutes I used the Amazon Fire phone as my personal phone for almost a year. But a recent incident made me decide to switch. I have an iPhone 6 from work since last Sept. But for all the important places such as my daughter’s school I leave my own mobile phone number there. And last week,

April 11, 2016

Reading Time: 3 minutes JCC St. Louis (2 locations, Creve Coeur and Chesterfield) are very good. I joined JCC in early 2012 mostly for its exercise facilities. At the time I got discounted rate through my employer, and at the same time the employer paid 3/4 of the membership fee. Over the years I changed my employer couple times,

March 24, 2016

Reading Time: < 1 minute I know I know, I must live in stone age by using Yahoo mail. I do have gmail, but since I had Yahoo mail earlier than gmail (1998 vs. 2004, I think), I still rely on yahoo mail for some online accounts. This is even after some horrible incidents happened, in which someone stole my

March 13, 2016

Reading Time: < 1 minute I’d read this one first, because it explains the technology and the players. Gizmodo (Adam Clark Estes 5/04/15 3:41pm): Every Major Airline’s Wifi Service, Explained and Ranked Some background why Gogo is the dominant player at this time. Bloomberg (Sam Grobart | August 26, 2015): Why Gogo’s Infuriatingly Expensive, Slow Internet Still Owns the Skies

February 18, 2016

Reading Time: < 1 minute I came across a good discussion on the topic here at Baidu. Interesting discussions. Btw, I thought about it before reading that, and decided to give most of my earnings to OCEF. Today I saw my name on the report. Good: really I don’t care too much about my name there, and I know my

February 10, 2016


Reading Time: 3 minutes (Update 02-23-2016) Got the refund from Uncle Sam. From filing to receive refund only takes 7 days via turbo tax web version. Now I am waiting till 4/15 for the state because I owe money to show me state 🙂 (Update 02-16-2016) I filed the tax last night, since I got almost all the forms

February 2, 2016

Reading Time: < 1 minute This is an email I received recently, it notified me that my former employer withdrew the unvested petition of 401k from my account. You may think it’s bad. But I still think it’s a good deal because I contributed about $17,365 of my own money bewteen 2008/11 and 2010/02. The money doubled in about 6

January 28, 2016
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