Search Results for: "earning report"

Reading Time: < 1 minute Fuwei Film (FFHL) stock got a 22% jump today after it announced a very good earning report. Interestingly, I was thinking about this little known company lately. Why? Because I noticed a few days ago it got upgrade from Maxim analyst. The stock went up about 10% and dropped back to 10 in a few days. More importantly, I

April 5, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Listened to Heelys first conference call over the Internet because I got waked up by the luggage delivery people at 5 AM. Now I got both luggages from the United Airline. I am happy despite they deliver it on strange time such as 12 AM or 5 AM. I do appreciate the delivery team’s hard work though. Back

March 6, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I found a new trend about the companies’ quarterly earning Conference Call lately. Usually a company will do the conference on the Internet and on the phone at the same time. But Crocs (CROX) and Heelys (HLYS), two shoe makers (I have shares for both), lead the fashion again by doing the call exclusively over the

February 15, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I don’t know why the stock went down this morning after a good earning report. Anyway guessing stock price’s daily fluctuation is not my job. I did listen to the conference call (script by seekingalpha) and it seems to me Michael and Louis did well, although Michael’s English is not perfect. Some of the growth driver:

January 16, 2007

Reading Time: 3 minutes I’ve covered the “buying” in my last post. I want to add a little more about “buying” here and then jump into “selling”. I think the quality of the stock (a company business, especially the management and the moat) is more important than the price itself in the long term.  For the managment of a

October 15, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Set a realistic goal, e.g., 20% return in one year. Don’t get too carried away from other people’s success and try to emualte it without learning its risk. I have some hefty goals in the past two years. To be more exact, although I don’t have a number (for percentage gain), I know I have some wild expectations from time to

October 3, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Grass is always greener on the other side. I first heard this from a coworker and I found it describes human nature very well. Remember when we were kids, some of us felt the meals at our neighbours or relatives’ home taste better the our own home? I made this mistake when I first started trading into stock markets a few years ago. It

September 29, 2006

Reading Time: 1 minute In the stock market there is a thing called “earning”, basically it’s how much money a company made for each share of the stock. The higher the earning, the better for share holders (company owners). But the stock price does not necessarily hold a linear relationship with the earning. Why? Because there is another thing

March 11, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Q: Can we say routers are simple and doesn’t have a lot of technologies? A (by yours truly): 也不能这样说,路由器和相关技术,比如说load balancer (F5 等),firewall 等等还是有技术和市场的。思科当时的做法是支持所有去创业的员工,给投资,一般做得还行的后来都买回来。她家最主要还是dot com 那时候股价炒太高。 思科现在成长性比不过hyper scalers. 她近年买了app dynamics, splunk 等performance (production) monitoring 的软件公司。很久以前买过webex  I gave it more thought: I think the main difference between Cisco and say other hyper scalers such as Amazon and

August 2, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes I talked about arbitrage quite a bit in my blog, but in terms of profit I didn’t make much until year 2022 – I followed Warren Buffett and bought into Microsoft Activision Blizzard acquisition. I got this idea when I attended #BRK2022 shareholder meeting in Omaha, Nebraska. Most recently, I speculated a few more, one

April 23, 2024
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