Reading Time: < 1 minute I mentioned sometime ago that LaunchCode is a great way to get into programming / software development world for a grown-up whose background is not computer science or information science. But that’s not the only way. More recently I noticed some friends made the transition from research position at Washington University to industry. Again there
Reading Time: 2 minutes This is the beginning of the 2017, and it’s also the customary review season for me. This weekend is a bit interesting as we got freezing rain on Friday (and I had to work from home on that day), also due to the fact about a month ago we had freezing rain on a Friday
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 31-Jan-2019) I used the Apple watch for 2+ years now. Did have a replacement in Sept 2017 as the old watch just did not work (not charging, not responding). It’s a Nike version but the warranty is still honored by Apple. I brought it to local Apple store and was able to receive a
Reading Time: < 1 minute Or version control. My wife is taking a class at launchcode and she just started learn git, one of the most popular source code control systems. Git has a steep learn curve, in my opinion, but it’s getting popular, widely used and I think that’s the reason they picked it. But I think that could
Reading Time: < 1 minute 今晚在高中群里突然听到我的初中班主任数学老师,省劳动模范周国夫三年前已去世。下面的博客中有周老师的照片。我从初中到镇海中学住宿读书,一个月回一次家,从某种意义上讲,周老师就是我们这些住宿生的父亲。我也受到周老师很多影响,尤其是学习(自学)方法和态度方面。他的数学课布置很多讲义(作业),他会讲解一些题,但主要是要自学。记得我们初一自学初二内容,以此类推。他有时又很大方,比如说数学课以后是英语考试,他说你们看英语吧。刚到镇中不久,有一次我发烧,有点严重,他和一些同学带我上医院,忙前忙后。现在想起来就像我对我的小孩一样。 这里有一个关于周老师的简短介绍。
Reading Time: < 1 minute 这可能是我写博客以来隔得最久的两篇相关文章。我说美国大选: I在这里。时隔八年,从上一次Obama”Yes We Can”到这一次Trump”Make America Great Again”. 从Google Search Engine Optimization(打败希拉里的主要原因之一,当时Facebook只是起步阶段)到这次Trump基本上垄断Twitter(参考1和2)。引用第一篇文章的一句话: But if the presidential election was a Twitter popularity contest—and thank God it’s not—one thing is clear: Trump would win by a landslide. 其实Internet和Web从2004年就被采用,当年HOWARD DEAN用的Tool是Meetup,这个网站有点不温不火,现在还是一个IT User Group常用的聚会工具。 这一次Trump居然赢了。其实我认为核心原因还是美国选民思变,奥巴马8年执政,在很多方面推行过于Liberal的政策,比如说这个学校LGBT学生上哪个厕所,他老人家(他手下的教育部的人)要公立学校允许LGBT学生挑选她/他们认为合适的厕所。这个事引起很大反响/反感。当然还有经济上的原因。这十几年,说实话,中产阶级,尤其是蓝领,工作被外包,日子江河日下。这个是关键(从小布什到奥巴马)。新媒体有影响,但应该是次要的。
Reading Time: < 1 minute (01-31-2019 Update) So I got 2 more years out of the MacBook after the fix. Actually last year (March 2018) I made another mistake, I leaked water (water bottle leak) to the MacBook when I put it in a sports duffel. So had to go to Apple store to get it fixed again (I think
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 07-08-2018) Noticed this nice write up of hashicorp by redmonk. (Original Oct 2016) The following is mostly notes for myself, when I followed the Consul get started guide (by Hashi corp). Pre-requisite: vagrant How I created a Vagrant instance on mac (or be more precise, Vagrant Cluster (github)). Note I installed the Virtual Box,
Reading Time: < 1 minute Why I am saying that? I am the only active person among my “Fitbit friends”. So I assume it could means a few things: 1) All my friends stopped wearing Fitbit; 2) All my friends did not sync (or their Fitbit could not sync, which I admit is a real problem for Fitbit); 3) All
Reading Time: < 1 minute Serenity started 1st grade this fall. Same school. I have some ideas on first grade, mostly around the homework, “more serious school” vs. the kindergarten which has more play time. I learned from fellow parents last year when they talked about it after MFS (I volunteered there). Seeing is believing. Serenity now has been in
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