Reading Time: < 1 minute Move some money from the two vanguard funds to the higher return funds. I usually looked at the 10 year return. I understand past return does not guarantee future success, but still…

June 23, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s the worst times, it’s the best times. Pandemic and recession at the same time. For me the best part is spending some quality time with my wife and kids, the worst part is I have not got a haircut for over 3 months. All these will pass. For college graduates or post college graduates,

June 13, 2020

Reading Time: < 1 minute Was experimenting running scheduled job on PCF. One natural choice is PCF scheduler, which comes with the Pivotal Web Services (PAAS). Googled around and found this example on DZone. The spring batch code is here. There was a small typo in the manifest.yaml, path: build/libs/payment-processing-spring-batch-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Note the snapshot.jar file name does not match what’s specified

June 13, 2020

Reading Time: < 1 minute Tried two two tutorials on my personal GCP. hello world cloud storage (upload a file, then return a public url for download; another download link) I may delete those bucket and files later on, as hosting costs money (app engine, cloud storage). Update: I disabled the app (here is one article talking about disable /

May 26, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 04-14-2024) I may have written this on Twitter/X, or here in my blog, that once at Sam’s Club (Manchester road), I saw a lady who is probably laid off from the media industry. And she was doing samples there. We all praised her for her cooking skills for salmon samples. She said she had

May 16, 2020

Reading Time: 4 minutes The handling of #pandemic in the USA is unthinkable a few years ago. But at the same time, it’s not totally uncharted territory as in my last 20+ years here in the US, I have seen at least 3 major incidents or economy crisis following it. One is the dot com bust, then followed by

May 16, 2020

Reading Time: < 1 minute I followed the instruction here to get a free SSL cert for my website: (pretty cool, huh 🙂 (found it here) To actually do it, I just go to the website: Scroll down a little, select the software and the system my website is running on, and it will generate all the command-lines for

May 12, 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutes (Wrote some more after seeing Breonna Taylor news): I was watching the PBS Asian American series. A few comments pops out in my mind: I did not realize there is discrimination against Indian American before watching this. Then an Indian American commentator said: basically the new immigrants wanted to be seen as “white”, or as

May 11, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes Family photos of my grandma, my father, me, and my 2 older brothers. This was taken by my father’s friend in middle 1970s (1976?). It appears both my 2nd brother and myself did not start school yet, as we did not have the red collars on our necks: a bit like boy scouts and girl

May 10, 2020

Reading Time: < 1 minute Point Poker: free (accepts donation). A nice pointing tool, click start session, for collaborators: put in name, and join the session. Fun Retro: there are free and non-free choices. The free ones are public. It’s a bit like Trello. For that matter, if someone likes to keep it private, I think Trello is a good

May 7, 2020
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