Reading Time: 4 minutes Baeldung : A Comparison Between Spring and Spring Boot Tutorials from Okta Working in progress Identity, Claims, Tokens – An OpenID Connect Primer, Part 1 of 3 (Micah Silverman, below 2 and 3, are also by Micah) OIDC in Action – An OpenID Connect Primer, Part 2 of 3 What’s in a Token? – An
Reading Time: < 1 minute H2 Database – Installation H2 Database – JDBC Connection (the only differs from the docs is we need to add “mem” before the “:~/test”. Otherwise it gives me error. Mixed mode Another Java H2 tutorial Last but not least, how much time should a coding test be? I feel couple hours are probably the way
Reading Time: < 1 minute Apache flink SE-Radio Episode 346: Stephan Ewen on Streaming Architecture; Software Engineering Daily Apache Flink with Stephan Ewen – Nov 2015; Spark and Streaming with Matei Zaharia – Feb 2018 AWS Streaming data
Reading Time: < 1 minute DB deployment (schema or DDL, package) Continuous integration and deployment of database is a main issue for many legacy monolithic web app. I came across this article recently, and I think it touched some good points. On a related matter, Jeff Atwood (cofounder of stack overflow), has a good piece on database version control. I
Reading Time: < 1 minute Or companies that allows or encourages remoting. Zapier (Emily Irish) The Remote Work Survival Guide: 9 Do’s & Don’ts Every Remote Worker Needs to Know stackoverflow remote dev jobs: e.g., MobyMax: this is very interesting because I learned about Mobymax because my daughter’s school has the subscription. Top 30 Companies for Work-from-Anywhere Remote Jobs in
Reading Time: < 1 minute A brain teaser kind of question at GregTang math (I just heard bout GregTang and the problem recently at a school event): use 6, 7, 8 and 9, plus any addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to make the result of calculation as 10 (only use each number once, can use any kind of parenthesis as
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 2 09-30-2020) Webhooks — The Definitive Guide [2019] Other Useful Tools For Debugging/Testing Webhooks A modern request bin to inspect any event (Update 03-21-2019) Add the Power of Webhooks to Your App with Okta’s System Log (Joël Franusic at Okta). (Original 12-28-2018) Webhooks I heard webhooks from Zapier the first. Below is an good
Reading Time: < 1 minute (Original 11-30-2014, to be worked on) I heard about Node js for a while, until recently I had opportunity to practice it. I used this tutorial from as a start, as I had good experience using the iOS tutorial on ray’s site. But I need to learn more. Here is another one (similar to
Reading Time: < 1 minute I have been doing this for a while, mostly for my new work (back to dev). My goal is being able to debug a Java web application, just like what I did for my previous work (Spring STS + Tomcat). The new work requires Eclipse + JBoss (some coworkers uses the not free Intelli-J). Download
Reading Time: < 1 minute (11-03-2018) Alibaba just reported a quarter in which its cloud revenue grew 90% YoY. It appears Ali Cloud is No. 4 in the world: behind Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Thinking Ali may challenge Amazon in not too distant future (note Ali started the cloud much later than Amazon). About Alibaba
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