Search Results for: "earning report"

Reading Time: 2 minutes It seems there is lots of confusion about Berkshire (NYSE:BRK.A, BRK.B) options (paper) loss in its Q1 earning report, especially among individual investors. First, let me quote Buffett’s take on those options in his recent annual shareholder letter (link to letters): “The second category of contracts involves various put options we have sold on four

May 6, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes The future of food I watched the movie (documentary) The Future of Food in the weekend, via the NetFlix “instance play” feature. This 2004 documentary is about the genetic engineered seeds, and its effect on farmers and our daily food. I remember a few years ago there was a lot talk about genetic modified food,

April 27, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s the NBA playoffs season again, and I watched the two games between Phoenix Sun and San Antonio Spur lately. As you may know, I am a big fan of Phoenix Sun/Nash. But they disappointed me again this year: they lost 2 games in a row. The main reason is that Phoenix is pretty much

April 24, 2008

Reading Time: 6 minutes Charles T. Munger (1924–2023), Warren Buffett’s right-hand man Looking back at the life and legacy of investing legend Charlie Munger (Becky Quick of CNBC, 5 min 13 sec long; note he mentioned Elon Musk at 3 min 24 seconds; 4 mins mark on marriage) The Best of Charlie Munger | Most Funny Moments  RIP Charlie

March 9, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute Last two quarter earning report has dragged Crocs stock from $75 to around $25. Many analysts, bloggers, pundits, pretty-much-everybody-wears-shoes (and consequently knows the shoe business) think the stock price is reasonable now. That is, assume Crocs can unload its massive $250 million inventory successfully. By success I mean they did not give it away to

February 23, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute I decided to take some CROX off the table. Too much controversials on the stock after yesterday’s earning report. Here are some of the bull case and bear case. Bull case Management is optimistic on the international expansion, and new products (jibbitz, Bite, OceanMind etc.), but which company’s management is not bullish on their company’s

February 20, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes at this time. I was excited about shorting EDU or APPL (buying puts) after Tuesday’s MacWorld keynote and New Oriental disappointing earning news. I hoped to cover some of my loss from LFT (and to a less content CROX) by shorting the stocks, now that the market appears controlled by the bears. So I went

January 17, 2008

Reading Time: < 1 minute More blindman’s check on elephant… Crocs stock (CROX) had a big drop in last two sessions, amid the loss of patent lawsuit in EU, and some rumors on the business slowdown in general. When Crocs reported its Q3 2007 earning back on Oct 31 2007, it mentioned there is some excessive inventory because of the

January 8, 2008

Reading Time: 2 minutes My wife joked with me that I ONLY got talktive and excited when talking about the stocks. I know that is largely true, and that was the case with yesterday evening’s gathering with my old friends. The good thing is unlike my wife, my friends are also interested in stocks. For me, it is always

November 23, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes HMIN looked cheap these days, should we jump in and buy it? I have both MR and HMIN, and as a matter of fact, I bought some more HMIN after its disappointing earning report. My mistake. You may think because HMIN has been to $49, and now it’s trading $29.50, isn’t a big discount? Yes or

May 30, 2007
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