Reading Time: 2 minutes About 13 years ago, I worked at coal mining company, followed by a hospital chain, both in their IT departments. It was President Obama’s 1st and 2nd term. I worked for Arch Coal (I just fount out they merged with Consol Energy and formed as Core Natural Resources) between 01/2012 and 04/2013, and worked for
Reading Time: 2 minutes I talked a quite a bit on this topic recently, and I think it’s also important to put things in perspective, especially across the different geographical regions on the global, also looking back to the history. Two most important things Stop doom scrolling, and try to get some physical active time. I talked about this
Reading Time: 2 minutes Secrecy preceded the shutdown of the consumer protection agency’s Washington headquarters | AP News (TechCrunch) The biggest breach of US government data is under way (KTSM) 5 questions about DOGE’s access to federal payment systems DOGE or not, personally, I am curious how they restore the health website – Judge orders restoration of federal health
Reading Time: 3 minutes 油管:文革和红卫兵 : I personally don’t have much memory of Culture Revolution (文化大革命)。 But I do recall the time when chairman Mao died. It was like one of the supreme leader in North Korea died. I was 5 years old. I started school when I was 7 years old: we didn’t have kindergarten, and I started
Reading Time: 2 minutes I was fairly active online, including on LinkedIn. I started on LinkedIn on fall 2008, about 16 or 17 years ago: mainly for job and networking purpose. But recently I noticed a minor problem I had after I posted my Calendly link. And I liked to get back to the LinkedIn post and edit it:
Reading Time: < 1 minute Learned Net Price Calculator (DoE, bigFuture.collegeBoard; local fav wustl is on the 2nd list). Learned FAFSA (always try to fill it out), and CSS Profile. Learned Student Aid Index (SAI). Learned Missouri A+ Scholarship program. Btw, I wrote about 529 plan (college savings account) here. Steve Jobs on education (shorter version, longer version). Enlightening 🙂
Reading Time: 2 minutes I did google search “is tesla safe”. According to the EconomicTimes (India): According to the study, Tesla cars have a fatal crash rate of 5.6 per billion miles driven. This is higher than other brands like Kia, which has a fatal crash rate of 5.5, and Buick at 4.8. The national average fatal crash rate
Reading Time: < 1 minute 对过去的留恋可能是人之常情,尤其是对上了年纪的人(大概过了50岁的人可以说是上了年纪?),还有一些曾经辉煌,现在落魄的人。 有一个例子是鲁迅笔下的祥林嫂。实际生活中其实这种情况不少。我感觉我自己有时候也会说/想:想当年,我年轻的时候,blah blah blah. 最近 formerly executive assistant at square, sorry I could not find her profile on LinkedIn now, as I unfollowed her recently. Due to LinkedIn’s algorithm (or AI), it seems quite hard for me to find her again (refer to my recent blog post re: LinkedIn’s search-ability). PS (02-09-2025) I gave it
Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 02-13-2025) PBS Newshour via YouTube – What Trump voters think about his first weeks in office (Original 02-03-2025) I feel RFK Jr. benefited from free publicity by saying or writing crazy things over the years (NY Times confirmation hearing for HHS secretary). I recall in 2008, President Obama beat his democratic rival Hillary Clinton
Reading Time: < 1 minute I bought the system a while ago from Woot: it’s a refurbished product. Today I decided to set it up. It’s done mostly via the Linksys app (iOS, android). I only have iOS so I can only comment on iOS: I think it’s good. It prompt me for the 1st node I just plugged in,
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