Reading Time: < 1 minute First let me get the Cryptos out of the way. Oil:
Reading Time: < 1 minute also Btw, I sense the current market probably wiped out a lot of new retail investors (home gamers in Jim Cramer’s words), or many new Robinhood app users. Last but not least, is this transitory?
Reading Time: 4 minutes (06-17-1023) (STL Business Journal) Matt Crisp, who co-founded Benson Hill, out as CEO of the publicly traded firm. Quote the article: Crisp received total compensation of $17.1 million for 2022, including a base salary of $613,462 as well as stock awards and incentive plan compensation. Benson Hill has recently enacted a “liquidity improvement plan” aimed
Reading Time: < 1 minute Link to all videos; course overview page. I saw the first video (Introduction, Financial Terms and Concepts) a while ago. Some background on instructor Dr. Jake Xia. Portfolio Management (also by Jake Xia)
Reading Time: 2 minutes The stock market continued its downward trend this past week, and on Friday, S&P 500 went down 20% from the beginning of the year, and it officially tested the bear market (20% down is a measurement of bear market). But, per other measures, such as Schiller PE, it’s 36 as of 04-01-2022 (may down a
Reading Time: 2 minutes I heard a lot of inflation talk among friends recently. I think the CPI data kinda confirms it. The gas and food prices went up a lot in recent months. Last time we saw $4 a gallon gasoline, it was about 2012 or 10 years ago. The answer to “whom to blame” question, like many
Reading Time: 2 minutes Indoctrination (powered by Oxford Language): the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically. When I grew up in China, I recall my first Chinese lesson is “Chairman Mao lives always in our heart” (毛主席永远活在我们心中)。I recall the time when Chairman Mao passed away: when I was about 5. That’s
Reading Time: < 1 minute Inflation adjusted bondSeries I Savings Bonds (wiki) S&P 500 index fundsHow to Invest in the S&P 500. There are many, below is one from Vanguard. I know fidelity has one too. There should be others. Some of the stocks I think it’s safe to own for long timeBAC (bank of America)KO (Coca Cola)BRK.A or BRK.B
Reading Time: 5 minutes I went to Omaha last weekend, left STL on April 29 Friday, attended meeting on April 30 Saturday, and left Omaha back to STL on May 1st Sunday. The full comment and Q&A session (including the actual shareholder meeting) is broadcasted by CNBC and available at YouTube. Note when I drove to Omaha on Friday
Reading Time: 2 minutes The spring finally came, or one can argue the temperature yesterday in St. Louis is like summer (above 80 Fahrenheit). I already cut grass once, and this morning I did a bit more yard work. I like yard work, to some extent. It made me to move a bit, in addition to run / walk
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