Search Results for: "earning report"

Reading Time: < 1 minute CROX is halved from its pre-earning high of $75.00, and now it sells at around $37.00, about the same price as Mindray (NYSE:MR). I know I am comparing apple to orange. On the news, sub-prime mess among big banks, $100 a barrel oil and today weak retailer report did not help. But more importantly, it

November 8, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update) I also listened into its conference call, and it confirmed some of my thought: Chinese domestic market becomes more friendly; south America has strongest international growth, while NA has the slowest. (Original) I went to Panera bread this morning. Here is what I saw: Bagel, 89 cents; coffee, $1.59 to $1.79. These prices haven’t

November 2, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I read its earning report this morning (Shanghai is 12 hrs ahead of US EDT). They reported an inline quarter. In the past that could send the stock tank. Not this time, because the stock has been down 27% since Jan 1. The expectation is already very low. With a PE about 33, and revenue

August 1, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I normally don’t bet on earnings (earning report), but when I do, I usually lose. –yours truly And $PDD was no exception. Yesterday 08/26/2024 Monday morning, before market open, I noticed the stock was free falling. Note I bought 6 shares before the earning report. And basically this confirms another thing I talked from time

August 27, 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes (06-17-1023) (STL Business Journal) Matt Crisp, who co-founded Benson Hill, out as CEO of the publicly traded firm. Quote the article: Crisp received total compensation of $17.1 million for 2022, including a base salary of $613,462 as well as stock awards and incentive plan compensation. Benson Hill has recently enacted a “liquidity improvement plan” aimed

May 25, 2022

Reading Time: 3 minutes (Update 05-10-2014) I saw the IPO of China based Cheetah Mobile in the news, not too impressed or confident of their apps though, although I know they make money. Cheetah was a subsidiary of Kingsoft (and King still has a big stake after IPO). I also noticed the WSJ article about China app market. I

May 29, 2011

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 13Nov09) BBI released not so good earning report (Reuters). One interesting point is they are going to spend $10,000 to $20,000 to renovate the stores (about 1,700). (Original) Note I am saying “dying”, not “death”. This also does not demonstrate all the hard work of men and women at Blockbuster, from corporate to stores,

October 15, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update) RationalWalk has a much more comprehensive piece on Berkshire Q1 results. (Original) News from San Jose Mercury News. Quote: Berkshire says it sold 13.7 million of its 79.9 million shares of ConocoPhillips during the first quarter to generate a loss that can offset past capital gains taxes. More details from its Q1 earning report

May 8, 2009

Reading Time: 2 minutes nVidia got no love from the street these days. After yesterday’s earning (earning call here), the stock dropped more than 10% today amid weak (margin) forecast. This exemplifies that the market tends to be short sighted.

May 8, 2009

Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s the holiday season again, this weekend is the MO tax holiday for back-to-school season. Quote the MO state gov web site: Section 144.049, RSMo, establishes a sales tax holiday during a three-day period beginning at 12:01 a.m. on the first Friday in August and ending at midnight on the Sunday following. Certain back-to-school purchases,

August 1, 2008
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