Reading Time: 2 minutes MBA is a hot topic for many overseas Chinese students and professionals: for the money or the dream. I have thought about doing this from time to time, but I am still at ground zero due to reasons such as: lack of the money and time; not sure about the purpose of the MBA; don’t

April 22, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I came across this top 50 best jobs list a while ago. I was very surprised to see my job, software engineer, as many of my friends’ jobs, is on the top of the list. I got the hard copy of magazine today and confirmed this. I have quite a few friends who are college

April 19, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Went to the Business School at Washington U. this afternoon, to listen Jack Welch’s talk about “Leadership”. I read his two books, and have some idea of the topic. Some of the take aways from his talk: 1) Work with tough minded (rather than nice) and fair people, so that you will get rigorous training

April 17, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute A good article from Yahoo Finance. This may not directly be applicable to the restaurants in China, but I think we can all learn something from here.

April 14, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes There is a little piece of news in the software industry caught my attention this week. Red Hat, one of the biggest open source solution provider decided to buy JBoss, a not so well known open source middleware (application server) softare developer, for USD 350 million. I read an article on Business week about JBoss’s

April 12, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute My friend mentioned this real estate estimate web site to me. We were very excited to see the property value of our St. Louis homes went up sharply in the past month, according to the web site. While we are mature enough to know this is not 100% accurate, it’s good news nonetheless. Here is

April 8, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes I was a car junkie a few years ago. By that I mean I can call out the brand and models of most cars on the road; and I visited the dealership and test drive from time to time. Not to mention I spent tons of time on the car web sites, such as edmunds,

April 2, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Trader Joe’s is a small grocery store which provides “high quality foods and beverages at honest low prices”. The quoted word is taken from its paper shopping bag (unlike Aldi, its bag is free). Recently Trader Joe’s is growing very fast and I remember reading a magazine article talking about business model and growth. Seeing

March 30, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Saw the following words from a Doctor’s office today. I believe many people would agree it. But how many of us are actually following it? I think I should also put it on the wall so I won’t forget it. ======================================= Nothing in the world can take the place of PERSISTENCE. TALENT will not; nothing

March 29, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I attended C++ training course at my work place last week. This is good for me because I did not feel well last week ( I got cold and headache): I can stay away from real coding during all these madness. Seriously, I did not find the C++ course to be any easier than the

March 26, 2006
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