Reading Time: 2 minutes From time to time I had the oppertunity to work with gurus, I mean, the expert, or the genius in the field. I think I enjoyed my time spent with them from time to time. Although I had to admit those days were not easy 🙁 In the second year of my graduate school, I took a

August 30, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently a few friends completed graduate study, and got full time positions. They asked me the question: how to start in the new company? Or put in another way, how to win the trust from the boss/coworkers, and do well in the new company? While I don’t think I am expert on all these, I do believe I have learned

August 27, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I did not realized my cell phone did not ring until yesterday. I was suspicious of my missing calls in past a few days. But as I normally set it to “vibrate” mode and it did vibrate when I wear it, it disguised the real problem. Basically my Motorola V600 did not ring and the speaker phone is

August 20, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Li Jia Jun, the legend Chinese short track speed skater, announced his retirement today. Here is the news (in Chinese). And here is his picture. The thing I like him is he never quits. Let’s wish him well upon retirement.  

August 17, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes Buying a house is probablly the biggest investment most people make during their life time. In past few years, as I was looking for my first house, and accompanying my friends for their house hunting, I have seen lots of houses in St. Louis area. The price ranged from 100 K to 800 K; the

August 8, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute This is going to be huge, if proved to be true. Here is a link about the sponsorship news. A few months ago I saw an article on WSJ talking about LiNing signed up Damon Jones of Cleveland Cavaliers. I don’t have the link of original WSJ article but here is a press release from

August 4, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Saw this word from a Chinese blog, and I liked it. Recently I started to work on a web project I thought about for a long time but did not do too much about it. This past weekend I started working on it again, and I did learn something. Now I know why I need Ajax (why HTML

August 2, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I like ice cream. The one I liked most is not hagen daz, it’s a little known place called Ted Drewes. If you do a google search on “st. louis frozen custard”, it will show up on the top. It’s located at Chippewa, very close to my old apartment. This is a very popular place in St. Louis. In the

July 28, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I am not going to explain how to make money using Google AdSense. Here I just put a real world example: a successful web enterprenur got a check from Google. Guess how big is the check: almost 1 million Canadian dollars. And here is the link. The nice thing about his web site is that he runs it by himself. So after he

July 23, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes The following was written on July 19, 11PM. This evening we had a big storm here in St. Louis. When I walked out of the door at the TKD place at Woodson plaza, the sky was full of black clouds and the wind is blowing hard. I hesitated for a minute and decided to drive

July 20, 2006
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