Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 06-19-2024 note today is Juneteeth Day) In last year or so I noticed my current employer also switched to the 4 year vesting schedule. That also means in theory I can retire from my current place if I only care about the 401k matching money vesting 🙂 (Original) First thoughts: regarding the recent #layoff

April 20, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 07-28-2023) Perry v. Schnuck Markets, Inc. (Original) It seems soooooooo hard for me to earn the $100 check from google Adsense nowadays. A lot people said blogs are dead nowadays. That’s probably true, as I learn from homejianshuo (noticed his blog starting date of Sept 2002, now I recall I was probably influenced by

April 19, 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes Tomorrow 04/18/2023 is the tax day in the US, the usual deadline for filing federal income and state income taxes. Note in some states there is no income tax. In the old days, I mean the real good old days, the tax day is usually April 15, and the Post Office will be like the

April 17, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update 11-20-2024) Here is my Bluesky social profile. || I think I may need to go back to Twitter to back up some data, from time to time. I did a backup in last year but I think it was a big json file. Two things I may miss: one is health/fitness tips; another one

April 11, 2023

Reading Time: 6 minutes The past weekend (04/01/23) was also the deadline for the US college admissions. I think some refer that as Regular Decision or RD, which is corresponding to the regular application/admission time and I assume most kids get admission via the regular admission (not Early Action or Early Decision, EA or ED, scroll all the way

April 8, 2023

Reading Time: 6 minutes At the Detriot airport #DTW Delta Airlines international departing gates, I waited for about 12 hours before boarding the PVG bounding flight. I walked inside the terminal from one end to the other a couple of times. I passed by the London bounded gate, and compared to the PVG bounded flight, I can sense the

April 2, 2023

Reading Time: 6 minutes (Update 04-28-2023) Please note the airlines no longer ask/need #COVID #testing from April 29: 4月29日起飞往中国不再需要核酸检测,自测抗原即可。登机前航空公司不再查验检测证明,只需海关健康申报二维码。source: #flychina || This is good news 🙂 (Original) I have a twitter thread here, and quite a few YouTube shorts or videos on this trip (hashtag: #ChinaTrip2023). But I think it’s probably worth an article or two for me

April 1, 2023

Reading Time: 3 minutes (Update 01-15-2024) I just realized I have another earlier blog post – Asian Restaurant Near O-Fallon MO Area. (Original) You got to eat. I mean we can eat at the Panda Express for Chinese food once a while, but not everyday. Here is some of the places we go these days and I will put

February 27, 2023

Reading Time: < 1 minute Note: the Amazon links are my Amazon Associate Link. I don’t think you will pay extra buying from Amazon through this link, but I will get a small commission from it. I paid $159.87 for Apple AirPods Pro (series number: SH36DK17G0C6L) at Amazon on November 25, 2020, and I just saw it’s $219.99 on Amazon

February 20, 2023
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