Reading Time: 2 minutes Follow the crowd; follow the stock picker or gurus such as Jim Crammer without doing own research; follow the friends. Following the crowd is dangerous because statistically majority of small investors lose money in the stock market (I know I am since got into market in late 2003). I think one reason for doing this is the “herd”
Reading Time: < 1 minute I heard it first from Bill Bishop’s blog. Home Inns (如家), China’s leading budget hotel chain, filed for an IPO about a month ago and is expecting to hit the NASDAQ sometime in September, assuming market conditions hold. A few day ago I got more info From Pacific Epoch Shanghai based hotel chain Home Inn
Reading Time: 2 minutes Grass is always greener on the other side. I first heard this from a coworker and I found it describes human nature very well. Remember when we were kids, some of us felt the meals at our neighbours or relatives’ home taste better the our own home? I made this mistake when I first started trading into stock markets a few years ago. It
Reading Time: < 1 minute I understand search is very important functions for blog. There are three ways to search this blog; they are all at the right Side Bar. 1) WordPress Search: available at side bar (top right), a “word search” on all the posts, matched results will be shown on one page. 2) Google search: available at side bar, footer, and each post,
Reading Time: < 1 minute On the plane I met an old guy from Washington DC, he told me his 2 weeks China trip is wonderful (he and his wife went to Beijing, Xi’an, Congqing and Yangze River). To light up the conversation, I asked him if he is a politician. He said “No” seriously, then he said: I am not
Reading Time: 2 minutes 1) If you decide to stay at home inn (Rujia), book early (2 to 3 weeks in advance), here is the web site and their phone No. 800-820-3333. I booked through their web site. Note their web site is designed slightly different from some of the US travel web sites. Couple times I thought I already booked
Reading Time: 2 minutes Just got back from a 3 weeks China trip and it was fantastic, except now I have to recover from the jet lag. I received an email from a new friend titled “给最真诚的人敬礼“. To be honest, this email made me feel real good. While in Shanghai I had similar experience when a friend gave the comment that I
Reading Time: 2 minutes I saw some of the newest USA exports to China today: SAT (the US college admission test) and NFL (National Football league). At Chicago O’Hale airport, I met a girl who just graduate from high school (middle school in China) and will attend a college in the Mid-west US. She told me she has some friends
Reading Time: 2 minutes In order to stay connected in China, cell phone is a must. For short stay visitors, I believe “pre-paid minutes” or “pay as you go” card is good. There are a few minor things I found out by using China Mobile: 1) Text messaging: it’s much popular here and it’s less expensive compared to phone
Reading Time: < 1 minute Not that I don’t like Shanghai. Not just because Hangzhou has the world famous West Lake. Hangzhou’s size is about right, it has the convenience of the big city and the friendliness of a small city. I think St. Louis is similar in this aspect. There are fewer cars on the street, and people spend less time
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