Reading Time: < 1 minute I saw this Chinese article about Home Inn and Jin Jiang. The author obviously did a good job here. For those who can not read Chinese, Jin Jiang Star is a competitor of Home Inn (Ru Jia). Jin Jiang Group started this economy hotel chain in 1997 (note Ru Jia started in 2002). From Home Inn’s F-1 Form, I
Reading Time: < 1 minute I saw lots of World Series T-shirt coming to the stores since Cardinals clinched a spot on Thursday night. Of course here in St. Louis most shirts are in red, the color of Cardinals. I found the following one at local Sams Club store, which is neutral, and the design is kind cute. Being a
Reading Time: < 1 minute St. Louis Cardinals won the NY Mets 3:1 tonight. It was a close game, and a good one. The only thing is I watched it at home just by myself, should have gone to some sports bar and seen some happy fans. I took a few pictures from TV screen.
Reading Time: < 1 minute Jim Cramer mentioned Staples in his Mad Money program today. He is talking about Staples (SPLS) traded at a discount although it’s the best in the breed among office supplies companies (vs. Office Depot and Office Max) . A caller asked him the international growth prospect. Interestingly, I saw an advertisement board of Staples along Yan
Reading Time: < 1 minute Panera Bread stock (PNRA) had a quite good run recently. There are mixed reactions from the Wall Street, Jim Cramer likes it (regional to national expansion), while Herb Greenberg is cautious about it. In my opinion, its new product, crispani pizza (intended more for dinner) is the key for growth. I have tasted the free
Reading Time: < 1 minute Visited a few wineries in Augusta this past weekend. I have been there couple times and still enjoyed it. The view from Montelle Winery is always good (see the picture below). Not many people are aware that Missouri is the second largest winer maker in the US (second to California). Here is a link of some wineries.
Reading Time: < 1 minute I read the F-1 Form in the weekend. While I am not a financial analyst, I have the following comments. 1) Home Inns probablly has the best management or directors. Three of its directors, Neil Shen, James Liang, and Qi Ji are founders of Ctrip and have extensive experience on Investment, travel and IT industry. 2)
Reading Time: 3 minutes I’ve covered the “buying” in my last post. I want to add a little more about “buying” here and then jump into “selling”. I think the quality of the stock (a company business, especially the management and the moat) is more important than the price itself in the long term. For the managment of a
Reading Time: 2 minutes Google buying YouTube is a big news for the web 2.0 community. Its effect is felt more than that (I got two emails from friends regarding this :-). Interestingly, I recalled just a few weeks ago, Mark Cuban, the outspoken billionare investor (who made a fortune in the 90s dot com era), said “anyone who buys
Reading Time: < 1 minute This is official, Home Inns (Ru Jia) filed its F1 Form to the SEC. (From routers) It will be priced between $ 10 to 12. And from IPO home it will debut on the week of Oct 23. Pacific Epoch’s Paul Waide said “it will get out of the gate this year“. I believe it’s
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