Reading Time: < 1 minute Diwali is the most important festival in India. I went to the Indian students Diwali party here at Washington Univ, Olin school of business. This is the second time I went to the Diwali: the first one was 7 years ago (1999) when I was in graduate school at Rolla. I like the enthusiasm Indian students

November 11, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute B2B, business to business, was a popular concept in dot com era. The idea was to connect the companies (suppliers, OEM, vendors…) using B2B software. In those days, there are a few B2B software companies such as Commerce One flied high. But B2B never grew as big as people dreamed in the US. On the other

November 10, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes As promised I put some of the photos I took last night at Jim Talent election party. It’s interesting to see some young people (high school, college) to show up. The McLaskill photo was taken at my home TV.

November 8, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute By now I think most people are happy with the election being over. At least we don’t have to bear with the silly ads on the TV any more. While I am not a political junkie, I went to the Jim Talent’s US senate re-election party in Frontenac last night. I figured rather than watching the TV

November 8, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Saw this article from my friend Liu Shuhui’s blog. I think it’s kind of interesting because I thought my green card situation is very much like that. Not to mention the stocks, let’s don’t go there today 🙂 ====================== 譬如公车平常是十五分钟一班,当你花在等待的时间超过十分钟后,你会开始烦躁不安,但通常你会继续等下去,等到超过十五分钟公车还不来时,你除了咒骂外,也开始感到‘后悔’——你应该在十五分钟前就走路或坐计程车去的。   但通常你还会继续等下去,因为你已‘投资了那么多的时间’,不甘心现在改坐计程车,结果就越陷越深,无法自拔,直到公车姗姗来迟,你心理的困境才获得解脱。   但人生有很多‘目标’,并不像公车那样‘必定会来临’,而且投资的也不是你‘个人的时间’而已。如何避免蹈入陷阱在人生道上,如何避兔蹈入这类‘陷阱’,也是一门不小的学问,心理学家鲁宾(J.E.Rubin)的建议是:   1.确立你投入的极限及预先的约定:譬如投资多少钱或多少时间?      2.极限一经确立,就要坚持到底:譬如邀约异性,自我约定‘一次拒绝就放弃’,不可改为‘五次里面有三次拒绝才放弃。’    3.自己打定主意,不必看别人:事实证明,两个陌生人在一起等公车,‘脱身’的机会就大为减少,因为‘别人也在等!’   4.提醒自己继续投入的代价。 ==================

November 7, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I heard about the annual St. Louis International Film Festival every year, made a resolution to go there every year, but never made it. This year’s festival is coming, Nov 9 to 19. Here is the list of movies. There will be three Chinese movies, they are: Stolen Life starring Zhou Xun (Saint Louis Art Museum Thursday, November

November 6, 2006

Reading Time: 2 minutes When I was taking my first C++ class at graduate school, the professor has a favorite word “you guys should write a program that works, because if it does not work, you are writing a novel not a program”. Although I did wrote “novels” in one of his program assignments, I remembered his words since

November 6, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I organized the links at the right side a little. Now I have the following categories. The link ends with * means you can not get access to it inside China, thanks to the GFW. BLOG: the blogs I read often, most of them are written by my friends. gseeker: I like this Chinese blog

November 6, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute Thought this is funny. The RedHat webmaster must be busy. After Oracle announced the RedHat linux support, now Microsoft joined the party – it announced the partnership with RedHat’s rival, Novell’s SUSE linux. So this is what I saw from RedHat’s web page: “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight

November 2, 2006

Reading Time: < 1 minute I happened to see this “Investment 101” from forun web site, a very small (boutique) research firm. Wish I had read it before jump into market 3 years ago. Oh well, I know even if I read it, I would forget it and make the same mistakes. A lot times we have to learn the lesson the hard way. It’s

November 2, 2006
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