Reading Time: < 1 minute I wrote about GMail a while ago. In that post I complained GMail is not reliable in China. One reason I can think of is that Google has not moved its servers to China. It has no plan to do so in the near future according to CnAnalyst. In this Chinese post Keso says the

March 20, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 21Mar07) The revenue and net income for past 12 months are $50 m and $7 m respectively, according to IPOHome.   I received this IPO offer from WR Hambrecht today. Since Xinhua Finance Media (XFML) turned out to be cold, I will be more careful here. Luckily I don’t see JP Morgan on the underwriter list.

March 20, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Since I came back, I have read some local business newspapers. No more Xin Ming Evening news, my favorite back in 90s. I read newspaper to get information, and more importantly, get some analysis and local perspective. One may ask why don’t I just go to Internet, e.g., baidu, sina, yahoo finance china, etc. My answer is I

March 19, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I mentioned the Ajisen Ramen 味千拉面 a while ago, see this post. Today from what I read from China-CBN, they are going to do IPO in Hongkong, the symbol will be 0538.HK. Like the Huiyuan Juice, I think this will be a hot one. Please be aware I am not endorsing Japanese noodles here. As matter of fact,

March 18, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I visited the new Shanghai library the first time. Not sure whether the library was built before or after I left Shanghai in 1997, the old libaray was located near Nanjing Road, and People’s Square. Anyway, I was amazed by the number of knowledge hungry people in the library.  

March 18, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I went to the Shanghai Real Estate Spring Expo, at Shanghai Expo Center on Yan’an Road. Again it has been more than 10 years since I visited Shanghai Expo Center last time. The expo itself is very crowded, and some developers offer free bus ride to and from the Expo Center to demo unit. I

March 18, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Finanlly I bought some A Shares in Shanghai Stock Exchange this afternoon. This is more than 10 years after my last purchase 🙂 I realized Chinese domestic stock market is still not widely open to foreign investors. There is a thing called QFII, stands for qualified foreign instiutional investors. Here is a good explaination for

March 16, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Dripped coffee only, available 10 AM to noon Friday March 16 in participating stores in China, as I understand from this Yahoo news people in US already enjoyed it on March 15. Actually I heard it from my coworker first. Please don’t pass on to the people work in Cloud 9, as I don’t like wait in long

March 15, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I mentioned it once in my blog: getting Ren Ming Bi (Chinese Yuan) at China Construction Bank using Bank of America ATM card. I tried it yesterday. It works great. The rate is 7.72, or $194.29 for CNY 1500. Don’t know if there is a transaction fee. The last I heard is there is none. There

March 14, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes I went to ChinaClear, the Chinese securities clearing house. I don’t know what’s the equivalent in the States? I do believe they have something similar but it’s just behind the scenes. In other words, we don’t need to know all the details.

March 14, 2007
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