Reading Time: < 1 minute I found two stocks related to Jinjiang Hotels. The Jinjiang Gu Feng (company web site, A Share, B Share); and the Jinjiang Hotels Group (company web site, H Share).

March 28, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute These days I saw more and more banks in Shanghai. Beside the addition of domestic banks such as Bank of Shanghai, which has root from Shanghai City Credit Union, many foreign banks such as Citi Bank opened branches and they also do the Ren Ming Bi business. Why suddenly we have so many banks? I remember 10 years ago we have

March 26, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Don’t think only Chinese investors have the herd mentality. The similar things happen to American investors too. One thing I noticed is there are lots of investors club in the States. They have meetings, discussions, etc. I went to the IBD (Investors Business Daily) Meetup at St. Louis once, and I received the group email from time to time. The

March 26, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Nowadays the stock market in Shanghai is hot, the real estate market is not. This Chinese article says in year 2006 the Shanghai housing price dropped about -0.5%. While not a significant drop, this plus the recent raise of interest rate makes potential home buyers weary. But I think the buyers need not worry if they know what they want, do the

March 26, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute It will be on sale soon. Here is the site for Chinese residents (for English, click on English under the Beijing2008 icon), including people originally not from mainland China but are currenly living inside China. For foreigners live outside of China, they need to contact the Olympics Committes of their respective country (region). Here is the eligibility and ID requirements (Click

March 26, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute One major difference between US and Chinese (including Hongkong) stocks are the stock ticker symbols. The US markets use the abbreviation of English names, e.g., MSFT for Microsoft, ADBE for Adobe, F for Ford, T for AT&T, etc. While Chinese use numbers 601398 for Industrial & Commerce Bank of China, 601988 for Bank of China, etc. Maybe Chinese really like the

March 23, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute One news caught me attention this morning. I read about a “Haigui” tourist got beaten in Sanya when travelling there with his family. And they were treated very badly even at local police station. The news is spread in several well known overseas Chinese web sites. Obviously things have turned around, now the vice Mayor of Sanya

March 22, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute No I did not go back to school for MBA or something. Actually I went to a nearby school for lunch with my coworkers this noon. I have tried a few places inside the Cloud Nine building. They are not expensive but not cheap if we consider the 1:4 ratio I derived a while ago. And I need to

March 22, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Harrah’s is a large gaming (a better word for gambling) company in the US. It has presence in St. Louis and many US cities. Note gambling is still illegal in China. For ordinary Chinese citizens, since they can not fly to the famous southern town starts with “M”, they go for the cheaper options. The lottery

March 21, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Ever since I come back, one thing amazes me is how fast China has adopted the western economy indicator and system overall: CPI, PPI, central bank, China Security Regulatory Commission, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Insurance Regulatory Commission, etc. These are all good, especially the regulatory committe are made of real smart people nowadays. Except sometimes people tend

March 20, 2007
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