Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s show time. All the major car makers including domestic players such as Chery and Geely (remind me of Heelys), are putting up a big show in Shanghai new international expo center (is that the venue for 2010 World Expo, just be curious) this week.

April 22, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Occasionally I received spam text messages from unknown people. People want to sell cars, apartments, etc. But yesterday I got a message from Home Inns (Rujia), it promotes the post “Golden week”(May 1 to 7) sales: it will give one night free during May 6 to 10 if I stay in their hotels for 3 nights. I can not

April 20, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute That’s how I felt after spending a lot time in China in last 2 years. China is essentially the US in 1950 and 60s. The cars. The urbanization (people move from rural areas to cities). The chain restaurants, hotels, and hair salons. The malls. The new industrial zone such as ZhangJiang and MinHang. The credit

April 20, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Here are some of the pictures I took at ZiZhu IT Clusters (ZiZhu info and digital harbor if directly translated from Chinese). These buildings look like the ones in the States. Both Microsoft and Intel have presence there.   Second picture is taken at JiaoDa MinHang Campus, which is near the IT cluster. Two of my family

April 19, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I got the Diplomat luggage back. It took me quite a while to get to the elevator in “Si Chuang Da Sha”, because it’s 9 AM in the morning and obviously the building does not have enough elevators (lifts). This is something new to me but not to many Shanghainese: people lined up for the

April 18, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I saw this article from Sina, it says a Google Cell Phone is under development. It will support 3G and EDGE, and will have Google search and Gmail services. It is set to debut in 2008. Here is a picture. I don’t see anything special about it. Do you?

April 17, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute By now we all know what happened in Virginia Tech, a big public university with good engineering reputation in Blacksburg, Virginia. Although many people are really angry at “how can this happened again, even after the Columbine”, I think right now the proper thing to do is: give our thoughts and prayers to the people lost their loved ones. After

April 16, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Normall I don’t comment on the general market trend (I took cue from the Oracle of Omaha because he does not predict this). But China domestic market is just too crazy in my mind. New record for the index everyday. New record for the new accounts being opened everyday. People talk about stocks everywhere. One day I heard

April 16, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I believe the dealine is April 17 in the US. If you have not done so, this is a good time to do so. I found the Turbo Tax Online discount link still works (15% off). On a separate note, more than 1.6 million people in China filed personal income tax for last year. Only individual

April 15, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I remember in the old days (15 years ago) it took 8 hours to travel from Shanghai to Ningbo. Now it took less than 4 hours. They are raising the speed again this year, according to the news. The D series train is expected to travel at 200 Km per hour, much faster than 40

April 13, 2007
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