Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update 21Mar07) The revenue and net income for past 12 months are $50 m and $7 m respectively, according to IPOHome.   I received this IPO offer from WR Hambrecht today. Since Xinhua Finance Media (XFML) turned out to be cold, I will be more careful here. Luckily I don’t see JP Morgan on the underwriter list.

March 20, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Since I came back, I have read some local business newspapers. No more Xin Ming Evening news, my favorite back in 90s. I read newspaper to get information, and more importantly, get some analysis and local perspective. One may ask why don’t I just go to Internet, e.g., baidu, sina, yahoo finance china, etc. My answer is I

March 19, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I mentioned the Ajisen Ramen 味千拉面 a while ago, see this post. Today from what I read from China-CBN, they are going to do IPO in Hongkong, the symbol will be 0538.HK. Like the Huiyuan Juice, I think this will be a hot one. Please be aware I am not endorsing Japanese noodles here. As matter of fact,

March 18, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I visited the new Shanghai library the first time. Not sure whether the library was built before or after I left Shanghai in 1997, the old libaray was located near Nanjing Road, and People’s Square. Anyway, I was amazed by the number of knowledge hungry people in the library.  

March 18, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I went to the Shanghai Real Estate Spring Expo, at Shanghai Expo Center on Yan’an Road. Again it has been more than 10 years since I visited Shanghai Expo Center last time. The expo itself is very crowded, and some developers offer free bus ride to and from the Expo Center to demo unit. I

March 18, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Finanlly I bought some A Shares in Shanghai Stock Exchange this afternoon. This is more than 10 years after my last purchase 🙂 I realized Chinese domestic stock market is still not widely open to foreign investors. There is a thing called QFII, stands for qualified foreign instiutional investors. Here is a good explaination for

March 16, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Dripped coffee only, available 10 AM to noon Friday March 16 in participating stores in China, as I understand from this Yahoo news people in US already enjoyed it on March 15. Actually I heard it from my coworker first. Please don’t pass on to the people work in Cloud 9, as I don’t like wait in long

March 15, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I mentioned it once in my blog: getting Ren Ming Bi (Chinese Yuan) at China Construction Bank using Bank of America ATM card. I tried it yesterday. It works great. The rate is 7.72, or $194.29 for CNY 1500. Don’t know if there is a transaction fee. The last I heard is there is none. There

March 14, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes I went to ChinaClear, the Chinese securities clearing house. I don’t know what’s the equivalent in the States? I do believe they have something similar but it’s just behind the scenes. In other words, we don’t need to know all the details.

March 14, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I thought about this for quite a while, debating whether I should joined the party in Shanghai. Finanlly I decided to pull the trigger. I went to China Merchant Bank (招商银行), and opened my stock trading account there (the securities department of CMB). The procedure is very much like that in US. I filled out

March 14, 2007
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