Reading Time: 2 minutes This is a too big question. But I have thought this thing for quite a while, and want to share my thoughts. A few weeks ago I was watching the “Boss Town” program at China-CBN, the host posed this exact question to the founder of Qiao Xing (Nasdaq: XING), Mr. Wu Ruiling: why do you go

April 29, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update Apr 30) I went to Carrefour to buy Maotai, it’s out. I noticed Maotai has some low end products now (Maotai Chun instead of Guizhou Maotai). The Shanghai No. 1 Food Store across the street does carry Mao Tai, but it charges for 525 Yuan (Carrefour price was 438). According to Carrefour associates, the Maotai was out for couple

April 28, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute After I read its prospectus, I decide not to pursue its open IPO. Another reason is I just bought some HMIN and MR: I want to limit the number of stocks I hold. IB is a great business. I heard its name first from a friend who recommend it for its low cost and high speed in

April 28, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Symbol  Name     Price (Apr 26)   Earning (2006) 600000 浦发银行 28.28              0.77 600015 华夏银行 13.29            0.35 600016 MingShen 13.27        0.38 600036 CMB      20.04           0.48

April 27, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Like Baidu, if you look at 601998 (its ticker symbol) at Sina Finance. For english readers, read Bloomberg news here. BTW, 1998 is a good number in Chinese. Citic Bank (中信银行) IPO was priced at 5.80 Yuan, and people expected it to open between 7 and 8, based on PE and PB (price book) ratio of other Chinese banks. But it went up as high as 12 this

April 26, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I read a paper lately and found people in big cities like Shanghai spend a fortune in wedding (about same amount as people in developed countries). Here are some examples: limos and wedding dresses. I took these pictures last month.  

April 26, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute (Update Apr 26 morning) Shortly after this report, Wan Jia Wan Hao (Xin Yu Star) stock (600576) gained 5%, the maximum percentage it can go as this is a “ST” stock. What can I say about this crazy market?  Dong Fang Securities, a Chinese brokerage firm, did a report about the new trend of Chinese consumers.

April 25, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I’m not picking on the China Construction Bank, this is a problem existing in all the banks. I can think of two reasons: 1) People are “managing their money” nowadays, e.g., people are withdrawing money from bank and put into the stock market; people are doing the certificate of deposit…

April 24, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I bought some Home Inns (HMIN) again yesterday. Not surprisingly the stock dropped after I bought it, as things usually happen that way. But my time frame is from couple months to couple years, so I am not worried. The recent weakness of the stock is expected due to the new offerings and lock up expiration.

April 23, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I’m not talking about the credit card use (I’ve talked a bit in my previous posts).  It appears to me Chinese are using more and more plastic bags for packaging: from the morning “Bao Zi” to “Ma La Tang” (Chong Qing hot pot) on the street.

April 23, 2007
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