Reading Time: < 1 minute On Dec 15, 2006 I bought 46 shares of CROX at $42.40. I bought and sold (traded) more CROX afterwards, but I kept those 46 shares all the time. This morning it reached as high as $85.10.

June 5, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes All right, ever since the Chinese regulators found the silver bullet and pulled the trigger, the Shanghai composite index lost more than 500 points and a lot of people lost money or gave back the gains they already made, some of them are “crying foul” for the goverment action. Well, in stock market, just like in NBA, complaining to

June 4, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Hit new low in May. Here are the number of IPOs the first half of this year: Jan: 9 Feb: 11 Mar: 5 Jan to Mar subtotal CNY 67.5 b

June 3, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Went to St. Louis Jazz and Heritage Festival 2007 at Shaw Park at Clayton yesterday. The weather did not cooporate, but the music was good. Note St. Louis has a very strong heritage in Jazz and Blues.  

June 3, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Went to Chesterfield mall yesterday. Something new (at least new to me): 1) Journeys is expanding there. The regular Journeys got a new place (first floor, at the intersection), the old Journeys store is “Journeys Kids”. Journeys is a subsidiary of Genesco (GCO). Foot Locker is trying to take over Genesco but was rejected for

June 3, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute We often heard story like that someone made $5,000 in stocks in one month. Cool. But that does not tell the whole story. Why? There are a few questions I like to ask: 1) How much did he/she make the month before and after (that particular month)? Did he/she make more money (less money) or lose money in other months.

June 2, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I thought Chinese colleges like to change their names, such as my undergraduate alma mater, Huazhong Institute of Technology (HIT), changes its name to Huazhong University in Science and Technology (HUST) during 1987-1988, it changed its Chinese name again in 1990s (From 理工Li Gong to 科技Ke Ji).  It seems some US schools like name changes too. My

June 2, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Ad is everywhere these days, from Newspaper, TV to Internet. In China there is such thing called LCD sreen ad. Focus Media (FMCN) made big money out of this, although recently some residential home owners got a bit tired of this because they want some peace in their apartment’s elevator. In the US it appears to

June 1, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Here it is. You still get an hour or so to see it at its home page. In case you did not see the image below, go to and you should see it. Is that inspired by Google? I mean, isn’t Google the first guy does logo for various holidays?

June 1, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute But I don’t regret it. I noticed J. Crew (JCG) IPO last summer, and started pay attention to its stock. I have been their customer since my friend’s recommendation in early 2006, bought some shirts and pants at discount, been happy with them. But, I did not buy their stock at discount last year (it has been at 25

June 1, 2007
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