Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s a business broadcast done in a new way. Here is the link. I heard about this site and watched a clip of “Crocs” a while ago. Now it appears WallStrip is available from Google Finance everyday (at bottom of the screen), probablly because WallStrip is popular in YouTube and Google now owns YouTube. Anyway,

May 31, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes People often asked me where in the world is St. Louis, I told them the Missisipi River, Budweiser beer, the McDonald Douglas (no longer a standalone company), etc. I think A G Edwards could be counted as a St. Louis icon too. But I did not realized it’s more than 100 years old until today it’s being acquired by Wachovia.

May 31, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes First heard this “equity shortage” term from Jim Cramer, the host of CNBC “Mad Money”. I watched his show mostly for entertainment purpose, but I think this term desribes the “supply and demand” of global stock market well. Yesterday the S&P index in the US hit a new high at 1530. Last record was set in dot

May 31, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes HMIN looked cheap these days, should we jump in and buy it? I have both MR and HMIN, and as a matter of fact, I bought some more HMIN after its disappointing earning report. My mistake. You may think because HMIN has been to $49, and now it’s trading $29.50, isn’t a big discount? Yes or

May 30, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes The policy makers in China found the silver bullet finanlly, the Shanghai composite index dropped 280 points or 6.5% today May 30, as seen from this news from Bloomberg. This is the biggest drop in a day since Feb 27 (9% drop). The policy makers have warned the investors (or more accurately speculators) for a while, the

May 30, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute That’s the stock trading 印花税 in Chinese. It was only a week ago somebody from department of finance denied the “rumor”, now they ate their own words. They raised rate from 0.1% to 0.3% for stock trade. I don’t know how the market will react to this. Will it blush off like it did on May 21 amid

May 29, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute You know I am kidding, do you? We all know the bubble is there, but how much bubble do we got? Is bubble going to burst very soon? These are the questions the investors (more accurately speculators) in China should ask. In my mind, there are fundamental reasons for this rising of Chinese equity values: over liquidity

May 29, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I put it in my Yahoo calendar a while ago. But I have not added my positions because it did not fall to the range I wanted to pull my trigger. Although there are heavy insider sellings lately. “Shareholders of record May 31 will get an additional share for each they hold on June 14”, see this

May 29, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I stopped by the Ted Drewes today, the best Ice Cream place in St. Louis. Surprisingly, it only has two stores in St. Louis, and the owners intentionly kept it that way. In other words, they don’t want to grow into Hagen Dazs, or something like that. By keeping it small and community-involved, they provided ice creams for

May 28, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute The discount code is FLAG and it’s 15% off, and here is the link. The code is valid today only. They do have some newer styles besides the good old Cayman (beach) ones. Refer to dealsea for more details and savings.

May 28, 2007
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