Reading Time: < 1 minute Found the following video clip at Tudou, the China’s very own YouTube. The content pushed the envelop a little so don’t play it before your boss, coworker or kids. I haven’t verified whether this is indeed from a class break of New Oriental. This (in a very small way) reflects the entertainment of China generation

August 22, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes I had some free time the other evening, so I walked around the Hongqiao Shanghai City (or Hongqiao Parkson as known to many people), and took some pictures. Outside view:

August 21, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute There is an old saying “one can not teach old dog new tricks”. This exactly applied to me, I am talking about programming for my blog. More accurately, I could not get the time of this blog correct. This blog is hosted in a hosting company at Utah (US Mountain time), and I normally live

August 21, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes 1. Chinese stock market has started in early 1990s and it has not done well until 2005. Why the China A shares market suddenly became so hot since then? When the Chinese stock market started in the early 1990s, it’s a way for the state owned companies to raise the capital, and market speculators to

August 21, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Last few days is full of events for China capital market, and the new generation of the Chinese investors (capitalist?). Last weekend the captialweek, a well known magazine for investors, celebrated its 15 years anniversary and the 18 years of China capital market. The following picture is the cover of latest “capitalweek” magazine published last

August 20, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Warren Buffett is a popular guy in China, although he has not visited China. But his book (more accurately the books about his investing philosophy) has been translated into Chinese. Such as this one, Buffett’s letters to shareholders, which is good. But there are many other knockoffs, such as this one, Lin Yuan the Chinese

August 20, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes I have been a Ctrip user since 2005: in May 2005 I booked the air ticket and hotels to Jiu Zhai Gou from them. I also visited their call center when I picked up the tickets (they did offer to deliver the tickets, but I had some free time and was curious about their operation

August 19, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Outside Guangfa Huafu Securities, it’s the seminar notice about “general economy and stock picks”. Why the Security firms offering those seminars? Well, it can get the GuMing excited and trade more, in turn brings in more profits to the Security firm.

August 19, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute The following picture is from Sina. For the full size picture, here is the link. Of course, Sina usually has a nice collection of hot topics. Here is the link to its special topic regarding “subprime”. Job well done, Sina!

August 17, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute This is a link to Caijing mag, about the US subprime loans, or Mei Guo Ci Ji Zai. All articles are in Chinese. I found this article particularly interesting. And the following excerpt very entertaining (I can imagine Cramer’s body language when he shouted). 而更有人直言,本届联储主席伯南克很可能低估了信贷危机的严重程度。惯于以近乎撕心裂肺的腔调在CNBC电视台评论股市的著名财经主持人吉姆·克雷默(Jim Cramer),在8月10日本周股市收盘后,就大喊伯南克对信贷市场“毫无了解”。

August 17, 2007
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