Reading Time: 2 minutes After I got some moderate success on OPSW and GE in early 2004. I got a bit excited. If I could use one word to summerize what I did my acitivies on stocks in those two years, it’s speculation. I did all kinds of speculations, luckily I did not get into really dangerous zone: margin,
Reading Time: < 1 minute On Sept 20, 2007 ATV: up 20.10% EFUT: up 49.92% XFML: up 20.70% It seems to me the domestic investors (or speculators to be precise) can not wait the Chinese goverment offically opens the H shares to domestic investors, they already came to the US π
Reading Time: 2 minutes First a little update about the Typhoon Wilpa. Shanghai did not take the direct hit, or use my now retired boss words “we dodged another bullet”, he was referring to his condo at Florida during Hurricane season. More importantly, Shanghai suffered minimal human loss because of comprehensive preparation before the storm. More than 290,000 people
Reading Time: < 1 minute I sold Wuxi Pharma Tech (WX) this morning, at $28.81. Not surprisingly the stock continued up after I sold it. I bought it a month ago at $21.80 so I’m happy. The stock is a bit expensive at current price ($30), considering its PE (about 100), profit margin, and its 2007 est. revenue. Another thing
Reading Time: < 1 minute I normally don’t participating in stock discussion forums. But this one titled “company and stock did not connect” at Google Finance caught my attention a month ago. So I went ahead and commented: Original comment: why is the good performance of the company disconnected from the horrible performance of the stock? When a company is
Reading Time: 3 minutes I was looking for a secular growth stock in China. By secular growth I mean the business grows continously without the normal business cycle. One benifit of secular growth is it usually does not go up or down a lot as economy cycle does. A side benifit of this is we (investors) can sleep better
Reading Time: < 1 minute It is said the largest typhoon in a decade, will hit Zhejiang province and Shanghai on tomorrow evening. Heavy rain already came today.
Reading Time: < 1 minute The apartment we rent has experienced ownership change. The current owner can not resist the offer given by new owner (more than 15,000 Yuan per sqr meter), and she sold it. The apartment is about 20 years old, and near Zhongshan park. From my observations newer apartments (5 or 6 years old) in the area
Reading Time: < 1 minute Charlie Munger is the Vice chairman of Berkshire Hathway, and chairman of West Co. Financial. He has background in law, real estate, and investing. I found his recent Q&A on the West Co. Financial’s annual stock holder meeting to be interesting. Here is the Chinese excerpt translation by Deng Hang; and here is the original
Reading Time: < 1 minute Week in review 09/09 to 09/15 1) One dollar is 7.50 Yuan. This is the rate I got from China Construction Bank ATM today, using my BoA debit card. 2) The China People’s Bank raised interest rate (by 0.27%) again in the weekend. 3) Moon cake coupon: there are many “moon cake coupon” flippers these
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