Reading Time: < 1 minute From Sina: Q1: Do you like (agree with) the new policy which raised down-payment for 2nd or 3rd home? (My answer: Yes). Q2: Do you think this policy can combat the speculation and contain the home price? (My answer: No). Q3: Will this policy affect your home buying plan? (My answer: No).

September 27, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes I have thinking about this for a while. But I was not convinced to buy, until this week our new landlord wanted us to move out sooner than we would like to. Here comes the inconevience of renting. Another reason (make me consider buying) is the rapid rise of home prices lately. You know we

September 27, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes It’s not the last ditch, but the goverment (China bank regulation commision, or CBRC) is raising the down payment for 2nd or 3rd time home buyers. They will need to put down 40% or higher (compared to 30% in the past). Obvioulsy we can understand the good intention of the goverment policy: contain the speculation

September 26, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes From the bbs at world famous mit. Thanks to Author: capcase (gotmail). I’m putting my comments at the end. Here is the original article in Chinese, the original title is “china IPO stocks”. For English, has a nice table which tracks Chinese ADRs YTD performance. So check out from there. 下面是一个简单的表格,列出了2006年12月20日至今在美国上市的中国企业的名单和大致情况。更详细的情况无法在这里列出,有兴趣的读者可以查询Bloomberg, Yahoo! Finance和China Analyst,即可得到比较详细的英文资料。

September 26, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Crocs (CROX) stock is on a roll lately, as it’s closing 3rd quarter and holding two investor conference (link to webcast) in NYC and London. I added some more CROX last week when the escalator accidents is on the news. Another reason is I sold WX. I think both CROX and WX are good

September 25, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Copied from Zhuping’s blog: 一次,诺贝尔经济学获奖者数学家约翰·纳什参加一个数学年会,会间休息的时候,有人就给他出了一道数学题。有甲、乙两人分别从两个地点出发往中间走,这两个地点相距 20公里,甲、乙两人的速度都是每小时10公里。甲还带了一条狗,这条狗的速度是每小时30公里,它先是和甲一起出发向乙走,遇到乙后就折返向甲走,遇到甲后再折返向乙走,如此反复直到甲、乙在中间会合。现在问当甲、乙在中间会和时,狗走了多远。 Two people (guy A and guy B), who are 20 km away from each other, are walking toward each other, at 10 km per hour. There is a dog, which goes at 30 km per hour. She (the dog) started with the guy A first. Because she goes faster

September 25, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute It’s that season again. I saw people carrying around Moon cake bags, presumtably many got it from Danwei. That’s one good thing working in China, you got a lot freebies during holidays, that’s different from west. Can not imagine that companies in the US will give away Turkey coupon during Thanksgiving. Anyway I like the

September 24, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Accoring to Seattle PI: “Up to 1.5 million daily giveaways will begin Oct. 2 and run through Nov. 7 at more than 10,000 company-owned and licensed U.S. stores, Starbucks said. When the promotion ends, Starbucks expects to have given away more than 50 million songs.” During the promotion, Starbucks will pick an artist each day

September 24, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Last Saturday when I was reading the Shanghai Business Review magazine in a Starbucks (Hongqiao Parkson), I was a little surprised to learn there are 570,000 foreign expatraites living or working in Shanghai. Hangzhou, the scenic city near Shanghai, has 8,000. I remember in year 2003 or so, the ShanghaiExpat web site just got started

September 23, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Week in review 09/16 to 09/22 0) Sept 22 is “no car day” in many Chinese cities. Individual car owners are encouraged to take public transportation. I saw some volunteers on Zhongshan park metro station. 1) According to China Capital week, 中文难倒高盛, Goldman Sachs senior executive, Malysian Chinese Richard Ong, failed the Chinese test administrated

September 22, 2007
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