Reading Time: 2 minutes The Shanghai Composites Index closed above 5000 the first time on August 23, Thursday. The interesting thing is, this time Chinese goverment is not as nervous as last time around (May 30), because this run up is largely drived by so-called blue chips: especially large banks where the goverment is the majority owner (ICBC, BOC,…).
Reading Time: 2 minutes I am resuming this series as I am in Shanghai, and I got first hand look at the consumer spending here. Travel industry grew very fast in recent years due to several factors: 1) The golden week, where people got one week break in Chinese New Year, May 1, and Oct 1; 2) People have
Reading Time: < 1 minute This morning on my way to work, I passed by an ICBC branch, seeing many people on the line, I turned around to take a picture. Then…I got hit by a bicycle. It’s nothing serious, but one won’t feel good about it. My point here is be careful about traffic when in China, the rule
Reading Time: < 1 minute Found the following video clip at Tudou, the China’s very own YouTube. The content pushed the envelop a little so don’t play it before your boss, coworker or kids. I haven’t verified whether this is indeed from a class break of New Oriental. This (in a very small way) reflects the entertainment of China generation
Reading Time: 2 minutes I had some free time the other evening, so I walked around the Hongqiao Shanghai City (or Hongqiao Parkson as known to many people), and took some pictures. Outside view:
Reading Time: < 1 minute There is an old saying “one can not teach old dog new tricks”. This exactly applied to me, I am talking about programming for my blog. More accurately, I could not get the time of this blog correct. This blog is hosted in a hosting company at Utah (US Mountain time), and I normally live
Reading Time: 2 minutes 1. Chinese stock market has started in early 1990s and it has not done well until 2005. Why the China A shares market suddenly became so hot since then? When the Chinese stock market started in the early 1990s, it’s a way for the state owned companies to raise the capital, and market speculators to
Reading Time: < 1 minute Last few days is full of events for China capital market, and the new generation of the Chinese investors (capitalist?). Last weekend the captialweek, a well known magazine for investors, celebrated its 15 years anniversary and the 18 years of China capital market. The following picture is the cover of latest “capitalweek” magazine published last
Reading Time: < 1 minute Warren Buffett is a popular guy in China, although he has not visited China. But his book (more accurately the books about his investing philosophy) has been translated into Chinese. Such as this one, Buffett’s letters to shareholders, which is good. But there are many other knockoffs, such as this one, Lin Yuan the Chinese
Reading Time: 2 minutes I have been a Ctrip user since 2005: in May 2005 I booked the air ticket and hotels to Jiu Zhai Gou from them. I also visited their call center when I picked up the tickets (they did offer to deliver the tickets, but I had some free time and was curious about their operation
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