Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update Nov 20) Grus had a good post on trader818 explaining the online games and its competitive nature. So I can shut up. (Original) I have traded the three old horsemen among Chinese online game companies 2 years ago(unfortunately, lost money on all three): Shanda (SNDA), NetEase (NTES) and the9 (NCTY). I paid attention to

November 18, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute There are conflicting news about this hot topic. The initial news, according to Hexun, the Chinese tax bureau is going to collect tax on the gains made from stocks and real estate for people earn more than 120,000 Yuan per year. Note in China 120,000 Yuan is the threshold for people to file personal income

November 17, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I usually have a weekly call with my parents. My mom knows I investing in stocks. On today’s call she suggested I touch less on stocks. I think this sums up the sentiment of Chinese stock market very well. After recent drop of the A share market, people are weary of what the goverment will

November 16, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Yesterday morning when I went to Panera (St. Louis) Bread to get morning bagel, I noticed they raised the price from 89 cents to 95 cents. I can fully understand the pressure they are facing: the rising wheat, diary, and energy cost. Today Starbucks came out with earning, and understandablely a disappointing outlook (bloomberg). SBUX

November 15, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I resumed my homework on stocks today. By homework I mean the research I did on stocks, basically I copied the financial numbers, such as revenue, earning, company own forecast to a Google spreadsheet, and do some simple calculation such as growth rate, price sales ratio (market cap divide by the revenue). This is very

November 15, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes No I haven not changed my employer or anything, but my company was acquired by a global 50 company this year, and from next year we will have new 401k plan. Currently my 401k is in Vanguard and I am happy with them so far. One advantage with Vanguard is they have the lowest fees

November 14, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Early August 2007, when I was in Shanghai, the US stock market underwent a crisis from the sub-prime mortgage. At that time the focus was on BearStern and its two hedge funds. In China, and in overseas Chinese financial community, the book named Currency Wars authored by Mr. Song Hongbing was very popular. So I

November 14, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes (Update Nov. 17) Shuipi of ChinaTimes(水皮华夏时报) wrote this interesting piece on his newspaper. (Original) It looks like it, from the highs at 6,200 in early Oct to 5,200 now. But wait a minute, recently the US stock market suffered big loss because of the sub-prime meltdown, and weakening of the dollar. How could the mess

November 13, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes The drama in wall street did not end on last Friday. Today E-Trade, the few dot com survivor, came into news about is exposure to Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS). In these days, MBS are pretty much like useless paper, because of the sub-prime crisis. Accoring to analyst, the chance of E-Trade go bankrupt is still

November 12, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Week in review 11/04 to 11/10 1) Shanghai Univ of Finance and Economics, or SUFE, is celebrating its 90 years annaversary. SUFE also launched Shanghai consumer/investor confidence index, similar to Univ of Michigan consumer confidence index.

November 10, 2007
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