Reading Time: 3 minutes Digital wallet and credit card expiration and automatic extension Investopedia : What Is a Digital Wallet? Also quote Investopedia There are several digital wallets available. Here are some of the most well-known: Cash AppApple PayGoogle WalletSamsung PayPayPalVenmoAliPayWalmart PayDwollaVodafone M-PESA Personally I use Apple Pay (in store) and PayPal (online stores). I know some investors or
Reading Time: 6 minutes The shareholder letter and 2023 annual report PDF file here. Quote the letter, page 5 Our goal at Berkshire is simple: We want to own either all or a portion of businesses that enjoy good economics that are fundamental and enduring. Within capitalism, some businesses will flourish for a very long time while others will
Reading Time: 2 minutes First, some background: I missed a few checks from Delta Dental of Missouri and a mortgage company in last few years. I was able to remediate the issues later. First I located the unclaimed checks (years later), then I called Delta Dental and they issues new checks to me. In the case of unclaimed check
Reading Time: 5 minutes Writing from my experience on credit card both from consumer (outside) and business (inside) perspective: meaning encourage more usage of the card via loyalty and rewards, make sure the card is on the top of the deck etc. I also understand Americans are addicted to the credit card to a large extent. Full disclosure: between
Reading Time: 2 minutes Or in bubble territory. Personally I think so. I think this is a bit like the AI right now. I think compared to tennis, pickleball is more social (for social interactions, chatting), but less sports. Once a friend joked pickleball is not a sports – which my 13 year old disagrees, note she is in
Reading Time: < 1 minute Not too long ago, I noticed Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Loads Up On 3 Homebuilders. And recently, I noticed he sold all of the DR Horton stocks. I am thinking of one reason is their built home quality. See below. I saw a bunch of videos on YT after watching the original YouTube video. See below.
Reading Time: 3 minutes Gentrification: The process whereby the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in, improving housing, and attracting new businesses, typically displacing current inhabitants in the process. Oxford Dictionary via google Gentrification is the process of changing the character of a neighborhood through the influx of more affluent residents and investment.
Reading Time: 3 minutes I don’t know about you, but I was fairly enthusiastic about sports when I was in the middle school and part of the high school. At one time I thought I should join the Chinese youth soccer team (under 16), which looking back I don’t think that’s possible. A few months ago I also talked
Reading Time: < 1 minute I am teaching a database course this semester at a local university. It seems install MySQL on Windows is not very straightforward. Something I didn’t realize as personally I am on the Mac for a while. I looked around and summarized the following choices. Local MySQL vs online databases – Top 9 free online databases
Reading Time: < 1 minute I am going to show the below two simple programs with hearts tomorrow for the 4th graders in my daughter’s school. Instruction for Microbit: download the hex file, paste it to the microbit, the code change will take effect Beating heart | micro:bit – note I can switch back and forth Flashing Heart – MakeCode
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