Reading Time: < 1 minute for Chinese stock market? It looks more and more like it, after two brutal weeks for many small investors/speculators in China. Here is an old article from (via JinRongJie). The title is 泡沫不死 挤压不止. From my observation, it is very rare that a prime minister would comment the stock market directly. But again this

November 24, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Copied from DanBin’s blog. 2007年感恩节礼物——人生八宝 人生八宝: 1、结交两个好友:运动场,图书馆。 2、配备两个医生:运动,乐观。 3、练好两项本领:做人,做事。 4、多吃两样东西:吃苦,吃亏。 5、构建两个支柱:人文知识,科学素养。 6、追求两个一致:兴趣和事业一致,爱情和婚姻一致。 7、记住两个秘诀:健康秘诀在早上,成功秘诀在晚上。 8、争取两个极致:把潜力发挥到极致,把生命延续到极致。 生命如歌 感恩无言 为你祝福! 这是我的友人发给我的2007年感恩节礼物 与博友分享,也祝福你们!

November 23, 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes My wife joked with me that I ONLY got talktive and excited when talking about the stocks. I know that is largely true, and that was the case with yesterday evening’s gathering with my old friends. The good thing is unlike my wife, my friends are also interested in stocks. For me, it is always

November 23, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I got this GE 5.8 GHz cordless phone and Logitech QuickCam, at Office Depot (near Clayton and Big Bend). The phone costs $4.99 after mail-in rebate, and two QuickCams cost $9.99 after MIR, plus tax. It appears to me OfficeDepot has some deals that BestBuy or Circuit City don’t offer. Another nice thing is OD

November 23, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Signs that I spoke Chinese too much lately 🙂 This morning I went to St. Louis bread co. to get bagel and coffee. The cashier/servant asked “how can I help you?”. And I said: 那个(na ge means let me see), (realized I was speaking Chinese) Asiago Cheese bagel bread sliced, and a small coffee, for

November 23, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Will be minimal, according to People’s bank of China chief Mr. Zhou Xiao Chuan. Here is what he said during a visit to South Africa: 人民银行行长周小川21日在南非约翰内斯堡说,受美国次级住房抵押贷款市场危机影响,世界经济增长速度明年可能适当放缓,但这对中国经济影响不大。周小川说,受次贷危机冲击,美国消费者的消费热情受到一定打击,欧洲部分消费者也可能受到影响。受此影响,中国对美国的出口可能适当放缓,双方的贸易不平衡问题可以得到适当缓解,这种情况对中国经济的影响不会太大。   他说,今后两个月的形势发展十分关键,因为圣诞节前是美国人的消费高峰期,也是美国进口的高峰期。他强调,如果美国的进口严重下滑,受到影响的不仅是中国经济,整个世界经济都会受到冲击,但具体情况现在还难以判断。   周小川说,为了应对美国消费适度下降,中国出口企业可以在产品出路上尽量寻求多元化,多考虑世界其他市场,一些产品可以考虑内销。中国政府也可以多鼓励扩大内需,这就能较好解决对美国出口减缓给国内经济带来冲击的问题。 It appears to me Mr. Zhou is not very confident about his argument. He was saying China will increase domestic consuming, expand exports to other countries, when

November 21, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute Well, except Wall Street, I have plenty of people to be thankful about… 1) My parents and my family members: without you I will not be where I am today. Or maybe I will be an investor banker (more likely a financial analyst) in Shanghai? Just kidding. 2) My wife and her family members: there

November 21, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute I mean the service, not the stock NFLX (I no longer kept up to date with its stock). I heard about Netflix couple years ago, but I just started to use its service recently. Some of the features I like about: 1) The queue: the customer could put up a movie queue. Once a movie

November 20, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute In last few days many new Chinese IPO listed in the US are under pressure, notablly: E-House China (EJ), China Digital TV (STV), Wuxi Pharma (WX) and last but the least, Giant Interactive (GA), the No. 1 online gaming company in China, owned by well known Chinese entreprenur Mr. Shu Yuzhu. According to CnAnalyst, GA

November 20, 2007

Reading Time: < 1 minute for foreign companies listed in the US. But it IS still mandatory for US companies. Here are the news from MSNBC. Here is the Chinese version (from Caijing). GAAP is the US General Accepted Accounting Principle, vs. the international standard (US always like to have its own standard, isn’t it). I think this could reduce

November 19, 2007
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